Monday 12 March 2007


Went to watch 300 with some friend last night....after Coffin.............and lemme say.......THE MOVIE KICKED ASS!!!

GO excessive amounts of slo-mo violence!
GO surreal realistic graphics and sepia tones!
GO gorgeaous fight choreography!
GO excessive amounts of beautifully rendered garnet blood splatter and sprays!
GO kick ass one liners and smart ass sarcasm!
GO Queen Gorgo!!!

Queen Gorgo rocks......


This will not be quick.

*gut somemore*
You will not enjoy this.

*gut even more*
And I am not your Queen.

*gut further and slash that Spartan knife as you pull it out baby!!*


As much as it is a testosterone laden, gore and muscle fest.....Queen Gorgo more than makes up for it in Oestrogen man......I'm like.....I WANT TO BE A SPARTAN WOMAN!!!

If I'm not mistaken Spartan women had almost equal rights in Spartan society....afterall.....Only Spartan women give birth to real men.

Sorry for that spoiler...but it comes in like..the first 15 minutes of the it's alright......hehe.....

All those one liners in the trailers......they are so awesome when seen in context.........So we fight in the shade....tonight we dine in hell.......Memorable lines man!

You should have seen me after the movie...I was soo pumped up.....swearing my head off! Exagerated movements.....going swoosh, swish and what not.... have to watch it's like candy for the one of my favourite lines from Grey's Anatomy......

Cristina Yang: It's like candy, only with blood; which is so much better........

For thos who say that 300 lacks substance.......come on...get over's not suppose to be an epic that stimulates the's a piece of eye candy.....a summer blockbuster or something.....stunning comic book like visuals.....FRANK MILLER...HELLO!!! SIN CITY!......the director. Zack Snyder, admitted himself that it's not historically correct....they changed stuff so 'it would look cool'!!

And look cool it does................sweet man..............makes you wish you were Spartan......

2 hit backs:

~Sophie~ said...

LOL So I get it's a cool show then? :)

WiLL man says : 300 - Gladiator on steroids :)

Ame C said... fits the bill....and lots of waxing invovled....not a sinlge strand of hair on these chests!

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration