Thursday 29 March 2007

A lark......

Oh my gawd...I am so tired........actually more dehydrated.......

Recently, us ,original DPA-ers (ie, my batch and Yelena's)....deemed it necessary to re-connect with one another after a long absence from each others live so we decided.....or Raz to be precise suggested that we all go to the Zoo! To visit his, Tracy and Ain's relatives....the rhinos, monkey...and I don't really know who Ain's relatives are suppose to be......but we did. After much debate and changing of dates to be able to get the maximum number of OriDPA-ers aka Most Bang for Bucks, some were still unable to make it...alas.....we came to the conclusion was the day.

So it was.......let's go to the zoo, there's lots of things to goes that old KFC jingle......ah the nostalgia.....but alas, KFC was not there anymore....neither was Mary Brown, so Raz had's been replaced by this joint called The Wild...and they serve really bad fizzy drinks and salad...but surprisingly yummy mash........anyways...

After much stressing on my part from frustration of people taking wrong roads and me being stupid enough to follow, and also waking up then realising that some people were too knackered from their previous nights' activities (work really) to come with me which results in me having to rush to college and convoy with the rest of them..........we finally reached the glorious Zoo Negara (National Zoo, for the Malay uninitiated) at...oh....12-ish? So much for meeting at college at 1030.........JAM ON THE BLOODY KESAS......FROM SUNWAY!! AMBILLAH NPE!!!! *sigh* silly stupid little me....but anyways.........a fun day ensued......

A fun and sweaty day! It was blistering! And I was in jeans! Why did you wear jeans lah? I hear you say? Coz we were suppose to watch movie at KLCC after..........why didn't bring clothes to change then? Lazy. there I was, walking around in my jeans which grow increasingly uncomfortable the more I sweat.....and I grow increasingly sticky as the sun blares on above me......*sigh*....but it was indeed a fun day.....sad and fun........

Sad why? been to Zoo Negara lately? ever? It's actually a very very very sad excuse of a zoo. All its' animals are cooped up and look miserable.....when we got they they were all in the shade and barely moved a muscle.........we were hot and sweaty....the poor penguins looked a bit like the ones in Happy know the ones in the whatever that thing is called......actually......most of the animals looked that way.........

Anyways, at the zoo, we encountered all of the usual suspects........not one but two rasta orang-utans, lazy chimpanzees, the pacing leopard who won't sit still for photos, the 'nyah'nyah'-I-moved-and-you-couldn't-see-it tiger, the I-love-you-therefore-I-drop-fish-on-you(Raz) bird, and of course, Raz, Ain and Tracy's many distant relatives.......

We took pictures, we had the compulsory Zoo Negara fried chicken, we took the tram, sang exhausting outing that was..........and we finished with the Zoo at like.....oh.......4-ish?........ 5............then it was off to KLCC.....for some much needed air conditioning.....

On the way to KLCC, I gave Justin a call.....since he lived in the vicinity....and since he'd been wanting me to go around to his....I gave in and agreed......only if he came to pick me up from KLCC......(okay, if my writing takes a slight turn towards the british, I apologise...Fai always brings out the Brit in me...the brit git...)..which of course, he his green Moke......nice.......hey at least it isn't far from his house, KLCC....he lives in Stonor now......brand spanking new condo development......really posh looking.....tiny pool...but the place in it's entirety's alright...........lots of glass.....and I like glass on houses...hehe....

So anyways...I stayed at his for about an hour....listened to some stuff for this movie he's scoring.......had tea......took a tour of the new pad.....and then off back to KLCC for my movie with the DPA-ers....

Okay...I'm just scribbling nonsense at the moment....a bit out of it..tired.....was waiting for Baks to call so that we could do our Amazing Race audition video due in like....a day............why was it left to the last minute I hear you ask.......well......lot of reasons and not all of them procrastination........but mostly coz we only actually......for real....decided to join like last yea.........but since I'm tired, his boss is at his office with him right now.........I've decided that we'll do it tomorrow...morning....poor boy...he's going to be pulling an all-nighter again tonight at work..........

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Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration