Monday 19 March 2007


I know I say that acting means a lot to me...I keep saying that it is my form of escapism......that being on stage gives me a buzz.....but I never realised how true it was, or how much it really affects me........or means to me....until last night......

I was having a crummy afternoon yesterday......either coz I was watching all these soppy idol dramas or whatever........but I was really feeling very depressed. Then came time for me to go for my shoot with Seng Tat....I couldn't find anyone to give me directions....I felt so lost......and then I got there early, so decided to put on some make-up and wait for crew to come....they were running late....they came and I was still a bit iffy coz I didn't really know them...only a few of them, and then only by sight.....them then as the night went on......and we started shooting, being around them, shooting and stuff....I totally forgot my depression....and I left the shoot.....feeling normal again.....

Perhaps it's just nice to be doing something.....for myself at last........acting, outside the confines of the four walls of the education system......doing something because I want to....and not because I have to.....Perhaps it boils down to my philosophy.......You need to, do what you like, and not, like what you do.......there is a difference....a very big difference. To me.

So yea. Perhaps this time....I've made the right choice in my life.......doing what I love.........

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