Tuesday 20 March 2007


Life is throwing me so many curve-balls at the moment I don't know what to do now.....

All my planning seems to be going awry......nothing wrong with the planning....just so many people are giving and showing me so many oppurtunities....I don't even know where to begin.......

Everything seems to be keeping me back in one way.....but pushing me forward in another....it's all directing me to directions that I way not want to go......but yet.....all these oppurtunities are so precious......

In a way, they may help me in my goal...in another they may not. All these oppurtunities take time........time that I may not have the luxury of taking.......you know what I mean? I'm not getting any younger......

Yes, those of you older than me will scoff....eh.......you so-old, what about me?!!......but you and I have different goals in life, different dreams......yet, I can't say for sure that I am all that clear about my own dreams and what it takes to get there.........

Some of you say...what is a year? A few more months? For all I know it could mean everything.....How many of us have missed oppurtunities by only mere months? Just by being born that few months sooner or later? Months are not something to be scoffed at!

But still.....an oppurtunity is an oppurtunity no? One door closes and another opens.......besides.....nine out of ten auditions you lose anyways....no harm in trying all ten doors......


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