Thursday 15 March 2007

Whirlwind Days.....

It's been a mad mad mad couple of days........or is it a's Thursday it's been a few....

Monday sucked coz we had to go in and talk to Puay Tin.........

Tuesday......Tuesday was alright...can't remember what I did in the afternoon...but did a photo shoot for a friend that night. Met up with Alien again, he was the male model.....I think the boy looks like Matsumoto Jun.....I couldn't recognise the kid cause someone had him bleach his hair blonde....but I have to say....he looks good with blonde hair.....not many Asian people can pull off blonde hair....but he can! Funny thing was we were suppose to be a couple for the shoot...but every time he met my eyes......he burst out none of that happening for the shoot!....anyways, at the time I laugh with himlah.....but really......I know you're cute...but am I that.........oh...I don't know...unattractive?! Or perhaps it's just nerves........whatever.....he is a good model tho....oh... and I found another reason I can't be a model....I boobs are too are my thighs..but let's not go there....

Yesterday........jeez.......I had to meet up with Amal and Tracy to discuss the next production. I ended up having to fetch Amal then Tracy.......which is really no biggie and we all went to Pyramid.....discuss discuss.....then balik.......I was suppose to drop by this place to do casting at 3-4...but i didn't want to tell them a time, coz I knew there was a chance I couldn't commit to I biar saja....I was only done at Pyramid at I kind took my own sweet time to get to casting......Baks was bored so I dragged him along for to the production house at 630......and only got 'casted' at 9. I'm like WTF?!! I didn't like those people at all.....I thought they were a whatev.....the DP gave me attitude...I'm a think I'm stupid....just because you smile your f-ing fake smile you think I don't know what you're thinking? I don't need this.....That was casting...I was very cheesed off.......

But the night that followed totally made up for it....Baks was going to bring me to this place he knew which served really good grilled meats...but when we got there.......I pointed out that a certain group of people hung out in that area and since Baks didn't like this certain group of people......we hightailed it outta there toot sweet.....then Baks wanted to check out if his other place in Pudu was still from PJ we drove, or he drove, my car, all the way to Pudu but alas the place was not I said let's go to Coconut House......which we past....they serve awesome tiramisu with liqueur in it, great pasta and pizzas baked in their own wood-fire oven......but since we were on a one way street, we had to take the round and about way to get back to Coconut House.........

Now....on the way back to Pudu, Baks decides to bring past Changkat Bukit Bintang..........and as we were driving, we began to admire the myriad of swanky new places that had opened up on Changkat....even some of the 'guest houses' look pretty good! and respectable I might add.......then the both of us saw it......Relish......the place that will soon become our regular hangout............we both took one look at it and went..."You wanna go there? It looks cool. Let's go there! Now find parking" So we immediately found parking got down...and It was all that we imagined it to be and more.....The thing that got my attention was gourmet burgers printed on the skirting of their awning......that coupled with how the place looks like..made it soo...Soho...New York Soho.......swanky stylish, minimalist with a bohemian edge...hey anywhere that serves tofu burgers is boho in my book....and good tofu burgers at that! The burger had tomato relish and pesto so fresh you could taste the seeds and the herbs....just these layers and layers of flavours.......awesome and ssoooo yummy......and it came with this really nice toasted pita bread which was still fluffy!! fluffy!!! on the inside...YUMMY!! Me and Baks looked around the area and went, "Let's come back here every weekend to check every thing else out!" So that's where you'll find me and Baks from know on......Changkat Bukit the evenings...when we don't have to spend time with the family........

Okay....I would tell you about today....but I need to go pick Baks now from work......haha.......then it's off to watch Bridge to Terabithia! YAY!!!

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Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration