Wednesday 21 March 2007


Euey recently told me about this movie called The Secret. In it, it tells you about the Law of Attraction and how important it is to visualise your goals and what not. Then I only realised later that around the same time, I had received an email regarding the same thing. The Secret.

And that got me thinking. The Law of Attraction. Visualisation. As I sat there with Baks and Gare, singing soppy emo love song after sappy emo love song, I began to realise what the movie and email were saying.....were right. Our emotional penchant for sappy emo songs of heartbreak and forever unrequited love, only seeks to attract more of the same into our lives. Come to think about it, it's similar to something they say in 7 Habits. To be a successful person, you need a paradigm shift. Stop saying that the world owes you a living, the world owes you nothing. You owe it to yourself to make a difference in your life. Stop waiting for things to come to you. The universe is a very generous place, ask and you shall receive.

So I am asking.

What follows will be a series of affirmations that I shall implement from this day forward.

This shall be my manifesto.
  1. I am going to be an award-winning actor.
  2. I am going to be signed to a well known and reputable artiste management agency in Taiwan.
  3. I am going to be successful.
  4. I am going to be famous.
  5. I am going to rich.
  6. I am going to be part of the jet set.
  7. I am going to win at least one Golden Horse, one Golden Clock, one MTV Award, one Cameronian, one Golden Globe, amongst others.
  8. I am going to be in at least one Japanese Yukio Ninagawa Shakespearean stage play.
  9. I am going to be, at the very least, friends with all the 'ma boyz'.
  10. I am going to write plays, idol dramas, screenplays
  11. I am going have my own theatre and film production company.
  12. I am going have homes in KL, Taipei, London.
  13. I am going to be loved.
It ends tonight.

Tomorrow is a brand new day.

1 hit backs:

JD Chua said...

If your heart wishes it to be badly enough, and your will is strong to make the actions stand, things can happen.

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration