Thursday 29 March 2007

Stomp the Yard yesterday me and the DPA-ers had a fun day out at the Zoo.....followed by this movie at KLCC....

So...what do I think of the movie?

It's got awesome dance moves...........the storyline's a bit cliched......

*** Spoiler Alert***

these people have got to realise that a death so early on in the movie, does not a good movie make...

*** End of Spoiler*** actually this is've seen the entire movie a million times...I swear!

I mean the whole thing is so cliched.....the slow-mo when boy sees girl......girl has boyfriend, so our boys has to do something to get girls attention....girl's boyfriend is a girl leaves boyfriend for our boy.....there's lots of dancing involved, stepping, a bit of tap, break......and did I just see some salsa? yea...........but the dance moves are cool....

But the movie's so filed with cliches.....every other know what's gonna happen....only the dance moves really make it 7 ringgit....'s better than some of the other dance movies out there I suppose..........I think it's better than Step Up...that was a bit off........

Can't really say anything much about's your average movie.......the script was a tad on the iffy side.......but's one of dazzled by our dance moves and not our words kinda thing.....make you wanna take up stepping or something...

I did come out of the movie with something else, something other than a strong desire to dance..... And that is...the only thing I'd miss out on from the American Education system would be the Greek.....

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