Sunday 18 March 2007

Bridge to Terabithia

As much as I want to like this sucked......

It's like a poor attempt at a cross between My Girl and Finding Neverland. I didn't go into the movie expecting CGI, I read my friend's blog and he said there wasn't much......but still..I wasn't expecting this.....the trailer AND the poster are soooo misleading....but they did do what they were suppose to.....get my sucker of a butt on that cinema seat........

Okay the movie had its' moment......but that's was a series of certain well written moments, in a sea of....near rubbish.....and most of them only come towards the end of the movie!!

I don't really know what to's a good effort? I have no need to make nice and say that......

I sat down and saw the opening credits roll......perhaps should have been my que to ask for a refund....or hightail it to another's like watching something on was a let down....

Story-wise, there were so many lose ends.....they introduced a lot of things but never really went through with them.....urgh......

Another friend of mine went into the show with very low expectations.......and he still came out disappointed.......and he wasn't expecting Narnia either...

Perhaps Walden Media needs to stick to what they do best. Movies with glorious CGI Narnia and LOTR.........

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