Thursday 20 December 2007


I'm on a roll......finally getting into the groove of consistently updating my blog...woohoo!

20 days into the birthday month and I'm up by 14 posts....alright.......and all this despite the insane job and daily insanity/drama of life......

Just finished baking cupcakes...choco brownie cupcakes...hope they're edible...the eggs were a bit...old......but they looked okay...and...oh I didn't smell them...but they should be fine....I swear they are!!

The Shirt's Christmas Party / Winter Solstice Gathering at mine is this Sat......Alyson's coming over Friday to make desserts.....Exchanging mystery gifts by Secret Santas and getting absolutely plastered playing Sos Chocolat.....

Going for SM Entertainment's Global Audition tomorrow.......wish me luck.......going to watch The Illusion tomorrow.......hopefully I'll be able to flee work in time........

Work's inane...but it's alright.......

Life is.

ps: Sorry if the term Shirts offends you guys...just lemme know........I say that coz well......most of you work in shirts and from 9-5!!!

1 hit backs:

QueenSLeen said...


i was like.... "why shirt christmas party?... did i miss anything in the emails?"

then came the lil deskripsi on the shirt term.

haha, it's fine i guess. :)

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration