Tuesday 4 December 2007

Cupcakes and the field of dreams.....

Damnit! Someone's beat me to my cupcake idea of a cafe whose main focus is cupcakes.......tho...it's not like I was gonna do it now...or that no one's done it before.......I mean...I was kind of inspired by Marmalade.......anyways....I've checked out the competition's cupcakes....they are........quite good....they might give my future business a run for its' money...or should it be that I will give them a run for their money....I happen to think that my chocolate cupcakes are more chocolatey.....

Tho...whose to say that cupcakes will still be the 'in' thing when it comes time for me to set up shop? I mean....cupcakes are all the rage right now...but what about in 5 years time? heck...even 2 years! will they still be 'in'?

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Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration