Saturday 22 December 2007

SM Town Audition downer....

Right...SM Entertainment...the lovely people who gave you BOA, Dong Bang Shen Ki and KangTa...were in town yesterday to hold their global auditions...

Needless to say...lie a good little starlet wanna be...I went......waited for 3 hours....and was late for work....Thankfully the lovely and ever compassionate Queen Leen was there to help me out and be Santa Rina for a day........I LOVE YOU SHER LEEN!!!

And needless to say since I'm not jumping of furniture........I didn't get in.......I'm not going to go..."but it was so short!" coz that's hog wash to a certain extent.......I'm just not what they are looking for......I don't have what they consitute as 'star quality'.

But does that mean I'll give up? HECK NO! There's still Taiwan.........and if not, the westerns.....Singapore and finally.....Malaysia.........

It's just....too bad my mom won't be able to point at a photo of her and KangTa and say...."Oh, my daughter is KangTa's 师妹。 "

Coz my mom thought KangTa was cute....which is surprising since she thinks F4 are so 'gay' as in look like girls.....but she does know what gay means......

Anyways.....c'est la's their loss.........coz I'm going to be a super star......

I have to.....

Coz it's the only thing, I've got.

2 hit backs:

JD Chua said...

Then go do it. Set your mind into it and nothing should stop you.

QueenSLeen said...

Love you too superstar!! :P

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration