Thursday 13 December 2007

Life Sdn Bhd

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

No matter how much you try and plan out your life, something will happen to upset your what do you do when life gives you lemons? You make pink lemonade.

I was suppose to be in Taiwan by now. But due to my procrastinating nature and certain other factors, I'm still here in good old racially-tolerant Malaysia.Plans to Taiwan were pushed back to March next year......have no been pushed back to April or that sounds familiar....pretty soon I'll be going down Fai's path and screwing it altogether.......okay maybe not...

But staying back has been a good thing. I'm now doing a job that'll hopefully earn me enough to get me to New York next year. I've made new friends and achieved my long time goal of being a party animal with some of them. I've finally gone for casting and gone for a couple of auditions with a big one with SM Entertainment happening next week. I've landed a role in a formal theatre production, albeit a vignette but's something....Chua's finally out of the army so I can finally try and drag his ass up here for real. Ain's back from Tazzie for hols and Cindy's coming back on Sunday.

Fai said something yesterday during some point of the morning while we were talking about my plans......go with the flow, that's what I'm doing......something someone else said once too....

Go with the that's what I'll do........go with the flow.......

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Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration