Monday 3 December 2007

Brand New Day.....Brand New Year.....

The start of the new year....the year I turn 24.........

Wish I could say that I'm a new person from the person I was a year ago....But just barely....

I'm not really that different.

I still want the same things....Yearn for the same experiences.....Pine for the same.....

Sure, I've met new people, done new things, accomplished (or should I say finish) things that are long over due....but despite all of it...essentially I am still that same person I was a year ago...

Not much has changed....I don't feel different...perhaps, even.....I feel worse.....I'm getting older, but not necessarily wiser.

I still make stupid mistakes. Hurt myself in the same ways. Make the same mistakes...and even bigger mistakes.....

Aside from graduating college, I have no accomplishments to boast of. And the future is not really all that bright and cheery as I usually make it out to be.......It's dark, uncertain and most importantly perhaps, now, alone.

My soul mate, is no more.

Spare a tear for the wicked.......


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