Sunday 16 December 2007

Snooze Button on Life....

Doing events ain't all it's cracked up to be...the hours are insane so thank goodness the pay is half decent but as my mom pointed out on the phone in her attempt to try and convince me not to NY flight alone will take up the entire amount and then some...and with my spending habits....I'd be in debt before I even spend the night in New York City......

Right now my life's wake up and try to get to work 'on time'.......wait and surf the net and talk BS till 645pm(weekdays), get dressed in Santa Rina costume that is wwaaayyyy too short for me.....prance around and terrorise giggly condescending teenagers for an hour....get out of Santa Rina outfit.....emcee if Alfred's not there.......and sit there till 10pm.........I can feel my brain cells rotting from lack of stimuli and restful sleep......

Just as my life was hitting's forced into hibernation by gawd knows what impulse.......

Actually....I do know.....A fortune teller or some online reading once said I didn't know how to appreciate the opportunities presented to me.......and people actually gave me chances all the time but I never took this is one of those times when I throw caution to the wind and grabbed opportunity by the balls......coz, come on.......really.....I barely know Alfred.....known him for all of 5 hours.....the biggest thing we had in common was we were both bums........and the next thing I know...I'm throwing my December away....MY FAVOURITE MONTH OF THE ENTIRE YEAR!!!.....working it off.........WHAT THE FUCK GOT INTO ME???!!!

At least I'm taking 2 days off next week and seeing Fai on Monday...I swear that is what is partially getting me through the week.....and a slight increase, in what I hope is, game at work.....hahha........more on that in another post...........and of course...the thought that this is paying for my trip to New York in another......heck...that's getting me through the entire month!!

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Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration