Sunday 29 April 2007

Heavier Things

I need a hug.....and perfect love and perfect trust.

Currently listening to John Mayer's Heavier Things. How emo....This album and David Tao's Black Tangerine were the soundtracks of my life in the UK.

I miss that constant sense of melancholia listening to these songs, walking alone on the streets of London. Long black wool coat, warm beige sweater, in all weather, under a constant grey cloudy sky. Sipping Starbucks and eating Wagamama accompanied by a book, earplugs on, seemingly oblivious to the outside world. My melancholia occasionally punctuated by duck rice at Wong Kee, being served by 'rude' HK waiters with Jim.

Thinking was a constant stream of walking, watching movies, the occasional play or musical, buying music, books and comics, afternoons spent at the Waterstone's at Piccadilly, having Ben and Jerry's with Jim, and more walking. By the end of it...I practically knew Leicester Square like the back of my hand. I kind of still do.

Those were........simpler times. In it's own small way happier. Comforting. I spent a lot of my time in London. Despite living in Farnham, a full 45 minutes by train away. It's actually I wonder I passed my course......

I miss London. Wish I had stayed. But I would have missed out on so much if I had. New people, new friends, new experiences. My life would have been different. Maybe that's why I'm a sucker for British boys.....ha.......whatever it is. These are the choices I made and this is where it has lead me. And you know what? I have no regrets. None at all. Much.

2 hit backs:

Ame C said...

Thanks for the hug...

but...and I'm not complainin'.....nak comment pun..leave a namelah.....

Anonymous said...

my name is Sebastian

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