Wednesday 18 April 2007

VA Tech Shootings Part 2....

Like the shootings's part 2.......sorry for the's my nature...

While trying to find out more about the shootings....I stumbled across these pages(pg1 pg2) on this the comments.....they make me sick............

I'm all in favour of having your own opinion....and hey everyone's entitled.........but seriously......I know the site's obviously not 'liberal' or even 'democrat' but is this really how the 'conservatives' think? Really? Coz if it wonder they're in trouble......

I find the idea of answering guns with more guns sickening.......

On pg2, a poster calling itself 'LibertarianHawk' says "Just goes to show that banning guns doesn't necessarily equate to banning violence."....I agree. But neither does making guns even more readily available.

Anyone who thinks that banning guns means violence stops is stupid. Violence doesn't come from guns. Guns are just a tool. Violence comes from the individual. Making guns more readily available makes it , yes, easier for someone to protect themselves....but it's a double-edged sword, it also makes it easier for someone to do this again. And then for another someone to do the same long as they've never had a criminal record, right? But one time is all it takes. One time to take out innumerable lives. You don't need a criminal record to just snap and decide the world hates you or you hate the world. It just happens...okay.....I'm rambling on but you get what I'm getting at? More guns are not the solution.

I totally agree with poster Next93, again on can take a person down even when you're unarmed.....and's so much more cooler to say you risked life and limb unarmed than..."I wasted him with a metal slug thru his heart" my book anyways...and my book's written like Battle Royale.

The beautiful death.

Oxymoronic innit?

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