Sunday 29 April 2007

Final Chapter

It's over. Almost over. Two and a half years of college life is coming to a close. I finally have a piece of paper and validates my higher education existence. Tonight was the final night of Trojan Women, a production me, Tracy and Amalia put together in 5 weeks. The culmination of my, our time at DPA. Ahead of us is the final stretch. 10 weeks of industrial attachment then it's good bye higher education, hello rat race. And not a moment too soon. Not that I hate being at DPA....I don't...but it sure isn't what it used to be. But I digress. Yes ladies and gents this is going to be emo post.

Anyways....yes, it's almost over. Final inning. After this who knows? I'm sure the full magnitude of this change in my life hasn't hit me. I don't know if I'm sad or happy or...whatever that I'm graduating. I haven't even tried to secure that place in UK next year yet. I know I probably should. But I'm not sure if I want to study more...for now. I don't really know what I'm saying. Maybe I should take Tracy and Baki's stance on life....Take it as it comes. One step at a time. ...But it's kind of against my nature. I kind of need to know what I'm going to be doing. I want to know. I need that sense of security of a well made plan. Not that I plan my life down to the last detail. But just that I know where I'm going. Though it's not like I don't know where I'm heading. I have a pretty good idea what I wanna do and where.....but I don't know. There's this sense that comes with college life. The daily toil of waking up and going to college to learn. Now, you learn from the great school of life. The best university life has to offer.

Cliched I know. But true nonetheless.

Whatever it is.....I don't know. I'm tired. I need sleep. Perhaps I'll make more sense in the morning. All I do know is's something I came across while I was searching for a nice 'goodbye' quote.....An old 'friend'........

May the road rise up to greet you,
And may the wind be always at your back.
- An Old Irish Blessing

2 hit backs:

Anonymous said...

Ahh... graduation. Congrats babes...! *hugs* I'm sure ur looking forward to dressing up for prom for the most... *lol*

I can't believe I'm done this year too... *sigh* Growing up. I guess it had to happen some time. =)

Ame C said...

*hugs* Congrats to us's the final stretch babe! How scary is that?!!

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