Monday 26 November 2007


Finally......went for casting today.....I just decided to do it.....dragged woke myself up in the 'morning'....checked email and facebook, dragged myself away from cyberspace......slapped on some makeup.......and got my ass over to Cheese......Steven..I think that's his name...the boss.....still remembers me from last 6 years ago.....well....recognizes maybe not exactly remember....but to forget a face like mine? A pure chinese who looks like a mat salleh celup? can you use that for chinese? hopefully work will start coming in soon......fingers crossed....

So anyways.....after the casting...the issue of my cina-purebred-yet-mat-salleh-celup looks stuck with is always the case since every photog who takes my photo can never resist asking...."You mixed ar?" made me think about giving more of an identity to my rock star alter-ego, Layla........I've decided to make her Japanese German......and fully name her...either Layla Satoshi, as a nod back to my chinese name....or Layla Fuyu, a reference to winter which I thought great at the time...but in retrospect...not so great....Japanese you think I could pull it off? I think so....I've got the Japanese one down pat...they say that already...slap on some coloured contacts and we just might be able to convince 'em on the Germanic heritage too....

In other news.....I watched a local film today....and I felt like walking out half way and perhaps even eating my own arm to just keep from shouting at the f-ing screen........I went to watch Orang Minyak.....which stars one of my junior from DPA, Sharifah Sofia......Sofia, Sofia, Sofia....KENAPA??!!!!! WHY??!!! Tuk cari makan....please say untuk cari makan....coz it was a shit as film! The sound guy should either be sacked or one should be ihred coz the entire film was voice-overed....the DOP(director of photography) or cameraman should stop fiddling with the aperture of the camera during close-up and mid-shots like he's wanking's either that or he's just telling us that the wall and the extras are more interesting than what's going on in the story, which is true coz I have never had to listen to so much contrived shit dialogue in a long long time........kalau bukan untuk Sofia........gawd help me......Kenapa I put myself through shit like that??!!! Alhamdulillah that I actually make it a point for my dialogue to make boring as they perhaps may be......My this the state of Malaysian cinema? Stories and dialogues that don't make sense and too many jump cuts...not to mention the unbelievably lack on continuity and production design that makes sense.......I know you cannot show/film a butt naked man in a Malay film...tapi in one frame your orang minyak is in a body suit and the next he's in 3/4 pants??? ARE YOU STUPID? OR DO YOU THINK YOU'RE AUDIENCE IS???

And also in the realm of cinema....30 Days of Night was not as bad as I feared it might be.....heck as far as films on this genre's was better than Skinwalkers and Blood & Chocolate. Skinwalkers now there was a whole load of crap......

3 hit backs:

Anonymous said...

haha, soph's been making a lot of bad choices when it comes to movies.

from her brilliant aishah to trisha in gong, she's rolling downhill.

but she'll pick up - she's good.

Anonymous said...

hey!! that role was to pay for college.. yes.. to cari makan.. to cari makan.. :)
when i watched OM, i myself walked out of the theatre 15 minutes after it had started.. haha..
believe me.. it was just to pay for college.. :)

Ame C said...

Hhaha...I thought so Fia......going to Sunway ain't cheap!!

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration