Thursday 29 November 2007

Week of Justin....

I thought I'd be seeing a lot of Fai this week....what with meeting up with him on Monday...then maybe dropping by to see him model at Zouk tomorrow, then seeing him at the 50 Gorgeous Paty this Sat.....not to mention maybe dropping by his show earlier tonight.......but nope.....since I stayed out 'late'(midnight!!! only!!!) tonight.....I 'can't' (read shouldn't) stay out late tomorrow.....and since I didn't eventually go see him's down to 2 Justin sightings......but then I could just drop by his place on Friday to get music from it'd just up the Justin met-o-meter to 3........

Now why the sudden good girl act? The parental unit has rolled into town...just as a plethora of Twilight Action Girl and Lapsap events kicks itself into high gear.......damnit!.....then thank goodness I wasted my Masquerade Party tickets and didn't go tonight huh........jeez....and how am I suppose to see Z tomorrow to get my stuff back...have to drop by Annexelah now.........or is it just an I really want to go? I don't know.....It seems in my Facebook events, I had listed it as a 'Maybe Attending' perhaps I had originally found the premise interesting....I don't know...but I told Z I wasn't going...but that was before coming home late today and after the parental unit making noise about this girl being abducted while on her way to work in Glenmarie and telling me not to stay out so late........

But really......if the girl's being abducted in broad daylight....does it matter what time I go out or come back?

But speaking of reminds me...I need to looks for a commissioner of oaths for EuGene, SS2 / our area got Commissioner of oaths ar?

1 hit backs:

udjinn said...

i think chowyang(now limmeeyoke) row got. above the indian sundry shop next to chowyang.

in anycase, i bet ss2 towncentre(where your wongkokcahrchanteng is) confirm got a few. just gotta hunt around.

there's a feng shui master there also.

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration