Monday 5 November 2007

Radical Honesty

Am currently reading the fourth and totally 'unexpected' fourth book in Scott Westerfeld's Uglies trilogy....hence the 'unexpected' bit....but it, one of the characters, Frizz Mizuno, started a clique within the 'current' Uglies society called Radical Honesty. What Radical Honesty is, is basically honesty to the extreme Uglies style...aka you get a brain surge(surgery) that instead of making you bubbleheaded(blonde), it renders you incapable of lying.

Now there's a novel.....tho fictitious...and to a certain degree wise and noble concept....the inability to lie. It takes a brave soul to be able to do that to yourself....and stick with it, I mean.....I don't know how it's boding in the book, coz I've yet to finish it...but.......but as far as I've read, it has a far more worse effect on the non-brain-surged...I do you relate to a person who can't lie or even truth-slant(bend the truth)? Some part of you will assume that you too should be absolutely honest.

And...I'm quite taken with the idea of Radical Honesty.......especially when it comes to my non-existent love life.....I have this thing.......of telling people how I feel......Mai has called it bravery...I am sometimes tempted to call it emotional suicide.......but all the same Radical Honesty has got me thinking.....perhaps, in my next interaction with Someone, I should just practice Radical Honesty? And be absolutely frank and up front and incredibly blunt and tactless about what we are and how I feel. It'd save(or add??) me a whole lot of grief and hopefully drag Someone down with me.....

edit: actually tactlessness is already considered a character trait since I'm a Sagittarius and in reality, there's actually really something called Radical you know that Scott??

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