Wednesday 13 June 2007

Thank you for Smoking

No...this is not a review of the movie of the same name...tho I do have it on my XHD...but it's just sitting there collecting dust at the mo'...

No......I just think I need a! pun both senses of the word.....I mean, really...what's a fag hag suppose to do without a fag to hag??

But yes...smoke....ciggies.......I don't really need it.....nor want it actually.....but the very action, notion and thought of it....just makes me less's a social tool!! It is!!!

I mean...if you're a smoker and a silent can sit with a group all day and not say a word...coz you're won't be considered as anti-social! It's a legitimate response!! Need an ice-breaker?..ever heard of the line..."You gotta light?" ??!!!

But really....the thought of smoking just makes me ill sometimes......and it's a good thing! Plus it'd be a waste for me to buy my own cigs.....they'd just go stale before I finish smoking them...coz I lack the drive to smoke....coz I don't need it......

But's a social tool....event.....people gather at the office smoking spot to gossip and bitch........people pour their hearts out while they wanting to smoke probably has more to do with me not wanting to be left out than the act of smoking itself....

So now I only smoke with one person.....because he is the most important aspect of my life in which I do not want to be left out from.....I want to be included in his life.....and so I include myself by smoking with him.....sharing a cig so he won't smoke too much or waste that cigarette.....

Girls are dumb creatures......dumb creatures indeed.

3 hit backs:

Anonymous said...

Ah hah! :-P I know who that is...

Btw smokies is bad. Uber bad... Think of my health, the poor second hand smoker that is me :-D.

PS. Cupcakes... awesome...

Ame C said...

Smart move..."think of my health"

Unknown said...

babes ... no boy is worth smoking for... but smoking boys is a different matter.... tat tat tat

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