Thursday 14 June 2007

Deadline or dateline....

Okay...this has been a mild form of frustation for me for a while......coz...I've always been under the impression that when something was suppose to be done by a certain was called a deadline......but other people here it is.......fresh from Wiktionary and Merriam Webster Online.....


deadline (plural deadlines)

  1. A date on or before which something must be completed

    Merriam-Webster Online:

    Pronunciation: -"lIn
    Function: noun
    1 : a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being shot
    2 a : a date or time before which something must be done b : the time after which copy is not accepted for a particular issue of a publication
    - on deadline or under deadline : with the requirement of meeting a deadline on deadline>

    Pronunciation: 'dAt-"lIn
    Function: noun
    1 : a line in a written document or a printed publication giving the date and place of composition or issue
    2 usually date line : INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE
    - dateline transitive verb
So there is it folks! Read 'em and weep. I rest my case.

3 hit backs:

Anonymous said...

HaHa.. cool post! Bump into your post when I was looking for the same thing. Anyway, nice photo you have there!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarification. I also face the same situation when people say dateline. Your blog came first when I google the difference.

Anonymous said...

haha thanks for this! i wonder how many people actually bumped into ur blog looking for this :P

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