Sunday 19 August 2007

B*itch Crazy Week(end)

Gawddamnit! I'm tired.........It's been....a mad (couple of) week(s) many things happened that I have no idea where to start an update....

But let's start with the biggest ball in the court.......Miss Malaysia Chinatown International 2007.

I have no real idea how I feel about say I'm excited.....I'm not really.....but I do realise that it's a great oppurtunity. I wanna win it so bad. The chance to go to Japan is just tooo..... tempting..... I mean come one! JAPAN!! Plus it's one of those things that'll look good on a actor's CV......perhaps it is not as prestigious as Miss World. But it's an oppurtunity all the same. I'm done with letting oppurtunities pass me by no matter how insane they make my life seem.

Getting a hold of all the dresses has been the maddest thing of's damn tiring running around finding proper dresses okay? Plus the limited budget.....

It's not all that bad really...I still have a life....I still see people.......I still...get game as Sums calls it....haha.........perhaps not the kind of game I like but still game.......tho I am getting the kind of game I like too.......hahah.....

Then there's the improv show with Qahar.....auditions happened over 2 weekends and we're still short and undecided over people to join us. We've still got a proposal to submit but hopefully it's in the bag......

Also I've been hanging around Siang's friends quite a bit.....having lunch with corporate types is rather it broadens my social circle which is rather nice. They're a fun bunch of people so it's cool.....heck was even gonna spend the night with them on two occasions but didn't in the of them being last night at Siang's farewell party....since there was no where to sleep I decided to just hightail it home at around 530am. Plus I was on this sudden emo trip so it prolly would have dragged everyone down anyways.....

Made myself wake up at 12 this morning to go get jewelery from Sums....after reaching home at like 6-ish....people kept sms-ing me at like 9 am......disrupting sleep......blardy am a bit stoned.....

Oh...and I got an new 80G ipod in Singapore...not to mention a whole load of dvds in JB.......and a new laptop case for me Fijutsu gonna get a gelaskin for me new ipod and next time I'm in Sg...gonna get me a fancy ipod pouch and some pretty earphones......hehe... brain is crumbling from sleep deprivation...........I need to continue this another day.........

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