Wednesday 1 August 2007

I need a Boyfriend

Or a reasonable facsimile.....

I think it's high time I got me ass a boyfriend.......either I concluded while trying to plan out this post in my mind.....a friend with benefits......

Now Sumies is going to go....oh...don't go there.........but I'm like......well.....I don't know...haha...

But you see...all I want/need is just....someone to come home it my home or his...hahah.....someone to cuddle with....sleep with at night......or do the occasional in-out-in-out Alex calls it.....hey I'm only human......generally doing everything lovey-dovey that couples do....

Really though...I'm just tired of F-ing going it alone......I've done it for most of my life, being an only child......and probably will for the other rest of where are those little oasis of solace that you eventually find every five years or so??

Now those of you who are my friend should feel sufficiently indignant and go.......hey? what am I then? Chopped liver?! are not chopped liver...I hate liver......but it's just not the same....and you know it's true!

1 hit backs:

Anonymous said...

Woman... u don't want to go there. Believe me. *raised eyebrows*

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration