Saturday 15 September 2007

The Vapidity of Life

From the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary -

Pronunciation: \ˈva-pəd, ˈvā-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vapidus flat-tasting; akin to Latin vappa flat wine and perhaps to Latin vapor steam
Date: circa 1656 : lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force : flat, dull (a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance — R. F. Delderfield) (London was not all vapid dissipation — V. S. Pritchett)

synonyms see insipid
— va·pid·ly adverb
— va·pid·ness noun

That is not to say that my vapid...far from rather emo....

But vapidity is what one would expect from beauty I mean if you make it your life's career to be a beauty queen.....vapidity is bound to follow........having to look pretty all the time.....does 'wonders' for the brain cells one must least...that was what I was half expecting going into a beauty pageant myself.....

My, how low must one stoop to fulfill one's dreams of stardom, some might say.......and perhaps that is in part...true.......the Asian entertainment industry is nothing if not queen turn actresses are a dime a dozen.......whether they are good actresses...actors! another matter all together...and more often than not....unimportant.....

I'm pleased to say tho...that I was.........partially wrong...for the most part.......there are bevies of young women with reasonable good heads on their rather well adjusted shoulders.......and I've got to have to respect's takes quite something to do what they do......and competition is at times harsh....and totally unfair.....

But enough about that and being philosophical....and back to me......

Today was a emo day for me...and I have to thank Paolo Delfino but especially his Short-Attention-Span Band for helping to cheer me guys may not of course realise it....but I was really bummed before coming to the show.......but good music's always good for the soul....and so was hanging out with EuGene, Edwin and Anne after the show...... ; D

Truth be told......hanging out with Z prolly would have done the trick too........but boy, you need to get it together man! Sorry mate I tried......I got all dolled up for near nothing!!! YOU OWE ME Z!!! Plus I really wanted to see Twilight Action Girl!!!

But how the evening eventual transpired was still great........nothing beats just plain hanging out and getting to know new people....and getting dish about others.......

FYI Ed, and I know you read this sometimes......what I didn't say at the mamak just now was...... tho from EuGene's teasing you might have gathered.....I had a thing for JC for a while.....okay, quite a while....but really, with his antics, which sane girl wouldn't??!!!'s actually one of the reasons I came for that gig at JamAsia that first time.......but I'm glad I went coz you guys are awesome...and I really mean it......I heart you guys man......but yea...I had a thing......but I'm no longer in the fan club coz I got shot right now...I'm kind of keeping my yea........but then...that shouldn't really be that big of a revelation should it?? hehe......this is a 'public' blog afteral.........and somethings I just can't say.....coz it's not my place......

Okay....enough about's a plug......

If you aren't coming to my party tomorrow...or tonight.....that's the 15th..........GO CHECK OUT PAOLO DELFINO at BB Park at like....9-ish pm...........coz they rock! a mellow sorta way......

Eugene, Anne and Edwin..............WE ARE SSSOOOOOO GOING KARA SOON!!!! *wink*

2 hit backs:

Anonymous said...

huh.. kara?
kara kara sapura?

u were bumped prior to the show?
who bump u?
got bump the fella back?

Ame C said... in karaoke......YOU AGREED!!! got me there.....typo...bummed.....

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration