Sunday 23 September 2007

Days of Tire and No Glory now I have a routine....and sadly said routine has me waking before the clock hits the double digits in the morning.....a big....OH MY GAWD to the night owl/burn midnight oil clan......I barely get enough sleep from some of the worrying I do...not to mention the sleepless nights lost to depression.......I haven't seen or even talked to the new NLD for a week and I think I'm going through infatuation withdrawal symptoms coupled with PMS............

I haven't been able to put in time in GuildWars which means my Ascalonian Mesmer/Ranger is still at a lowly Level 11 and my Canthan Necromancer/Elementist is I's been a a lowly Level 13 after 5 months of play.............ooooooo it's bad..........

I've got a script to memorise....Wayang moves to figure out...costumes to buy and make.....friendship to worry Taiwan.......

You know this Pavilion gig is starting to look like more effort than it is worth......I'm beginning to lose interest...the worSt thing that can happen.....'s already 2:25...and I said to myself that I'd wake up early tomorrow to go to Globe Silk Store and Masjid India to look for fabric and costumes for Lao that is a project I really should have thought through first before agreeing.......but that was before the Pavilion gig confirmed their rehearsal schedule.......that coupled with my Japanese insane.......if I don't go to Masjid India and Globe tomorrow...the only time I can go is........Wednesday....or Tuesday morning........or should I cancel Jap class on Tuesday? Now there's a plan.............


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