Sunday, 19 August 2007

B*itch Crazy Week(end)

Gawddamnit! I'm tired.........It's been....a mad (couple of) week(s) many things happened that I have no idea where to start an update....

But let's start with the biggest ball in the court.......Miss Malaysia Chinatown International 2007.

I have no real idea how I feel about say I'm excited.....I'm not really.....but I do realise that it's a great oppurtunity. I wanna win it so bad. The chance to go to Japan is just tooo..... tempting..... I mean come one! JAPAN!! Plus it's one of those things that'll look good on a actor's CV......perhaps it is not as prestigious as Miss World. But it's an oppurtunity all the same. I'm done with letting oppurtunities pass me by no matter how insane they make my life seem.

Getting a hold of all the dresses has been the maddest thing of's damn tiring running around finding proper dresses okay? Plus the limited budget.....

It's not all that bad really...I still have a life....I still see people.......I still...get game as Sums calls it....haha.........perhaps not the kind of game I like but still game.......tho I am getting the kind of game I like too.......hahah.....

Then there's the improv show with Qahar.....auditions happened over 2 weekends and we're still short and undecided over people to join us. We've still got a proposal to submit but hopefully it's in the bag......

Also I've been hanging around Siang's friends quite a bit.....having lunch with corporate types is rather it broadens my social circle which is rather nice. They're a fun bunch of people so it's cool.....heck was even gonna spend the night with them on two occasions but didn't in the of them being last night at Siang's farewell party....since there was no where to sleep I decided to just hightail it home at around 530am. Plus I was on this sudden emo trip so it prolly would have dragged everyone down anyways.....

Made myself wake up at 12 this morning to go get jewelery from Sums....after reaching home at like 6-ish....people kept sms-ing me at like 9 am......disrupting sleep......blardy am a bit stoned.....

Oh...and I got an new 80G ipod in Singapore...not to mention a whole load of dvds in JB.......and a new laptop case for me Fijutsu gonna get a gelaskin for me new ipod and next time I'm in Sg...gonna get me a fancy ipod pouch and some pretty earphones......hehe... brain is crumbling from sleep deprivation...........I need to continue this another day.........

Saturday, 18 August 2007

The New NLD

What is it with me and younger guys? Personally…..first NLD and now the new ‘NLD’, who hereby shall not be named to protect the innocent…..and by innocent, I mean me…as he is more than capable of using said information against me….Then on the rabid fan girl side...there’s a whole host of cute young spunky munchkins to ogle…..oh how glad am I that 熬犬 is older than me……

Is it maternal instinct kicking in? Or is it a Mrs Robinson syndrome? Who knows……..just be thankful it’s not as cradle snatching as last time! Jeez Louise…..5 years?! Sheesh!

But what ever it is……I’m not going to start jumping to emotional conclusions…let’s just….sit this one out…and let pieces fall where they lie……

In other news…….it’s been a mad week…so mad that I totally absolutely forgot to call that girl from HVD that James ask me to call for auditions for that TV show he’s doing for them! Ai-ya-yai! What the f**k man?!! Ah well……I can be all sour grapes about it but let’s just admit it’s a lost opportunity…Baks will argue I can still just call up…..but me being lazy….I just can’t be bothered…..and of course…..I STILL haven’t gone and cast at Famous Artiste……

Now the reason behind the madness……everyone who reads my blog should know it by now…..the pageant… tempted to call it bloody….but let’s not bite the hand that feeds you…..But it is damn ……I mean 3 evening gowns and 3 cocktail dresses in a week…..REALLY??!!! Thank goddess for Avee……she’s a lifesaver! I owe you so much, love! And Alan is a sweetheart from all the contact I’ve had with him……I’ll admit…I’m probably driving him up the wall! I know me…….I even drive Baks up the wall and he already has his hands full with Ju…..

I binge think and drive myself crazy over thinking and stressing over seeming little details……my immediate reaction after getting the list of stuff I need to get ready for the pageant? Stress….call Baki for emotional support and have him go….”okay babe. Don’t freak out. Stop stressing. Take a deep breath and relax… I’ll be back in KL tomorrow and we meet up okay?.....I know you, you start stressing and then you start crying.” and there I was on the verge of tears on the phone. But like a trooper I sucked it up and stuck it out. And now here we are…… 5 impromptu vocal lessons, 2.5 evening dresses, 1 bikini and .5 cocktail dresses down the road with 5 days to go before the pageant. Alan said he’d help with the stuff I still don’t have, Avee’s helping to extend that dress, I’m buying that Ted Baker number, and contemplating on the RM500 mod cocktail (dress).

Yes ladies and gentleman………I am taking this quite seriously. Which brings me back to……..


Yes, Fai… of this year’s Cleo Bachelors and last year’s Female Most Gorgeous Man. Justin it seems was one of the few people who took the Cleo thing seriously……may seem trivial to most people….but I mean…..this is what we do. But to a certain extent…I have to agree with the masses…it’s the Cleo Bachelors……it’s just a lark…plus….IT’S RIGGED!! Rigged so badly it’s like a politician on graft, sure thing. Don’t believe me? Check out all the past winners……..and then check out the cover of the issue when they were introduced…who I wonder is on the cover? Rigged or not? You decide.

Now why does that bring me back to Fai? Simple we both take these things seriously….which got me to thinking that we might be quite alike…..are we Sums?? Thos you might say you can’t be sure coz you don’t know him well…….I think we are in some ways….He thinks doing all this prep work for going on radio is grief he doesn’t need….much like my attitude with certain things to…Tracy and Amal and ssooo attest to that……we’re both pretty westernised….tho so is 1/2 the world but let’s not go there…..Britain played impotant parts in our lives,,,,,okay I just might be strstching it a bit on that one…….but I mean…attitude wise….our goals…..years ago, my goals were just like his…all over the place….actor-singer-fashion designer……….tho it’s still pretty much the same now… tv-stage-film-malaysia-taiwan-japan-scriptwriter-producer-baker/restaurantier… but I’d like to think, I have more…….vision? driven goals?....focus than I did a couple of years ago…..haha…it makes me sound so old compared to Fai, who in actual fact is like 3 years my senior……..but in certain ways….I do feel older….and somehow wiser…..he’s like this big child………

So now we’re back at the new ‘NLD’…things with him are so different.....where as in the past i was at thier beck and's more of a 2 way thing with this at the moment......but the relationship whatever it turns itself out to be is still fledgling at let's not jump to conclusions and jinx anything....

Saturday, 4 August 2007


It wouldn't be fair to my memory to go without mentioning this....

If they ever ask me.....they being the panel from Miss Chinatown or Miss International...or actually anyone really, journalists, TV hosts......If they were to ever ask me....what is the bravest thing you've ever done in your life?

I'd say, confess my feelings to the boy that I like. actually sounds way better in chinese.....coz it's like 2 words.....告 白 ......coz well....perhaps it's just me....but I think you need to have a lot of courage to do that....'s not as noble as saving a child from a burning building or climbing a tree to save a kitten. It may not seem as 'facing your fears' as going bungee jumping (which i have done) or eating worms (again I have also done) but hey, you're facing one of the biggest and scariest fears of all.....the fear of reject.

The fear of rejection is the one fear that somewhat tops it all. It's what stops you from wearing that loud oufit that you so absolutely love but you know eveyone will say looks lala. It's what stops you from asking questions in 'public' fear of being rejected for being seen as stupid....It's what makes you conform and shy.........rejection comes in many forms shapes and sizes...the one everyone thinks of is rejections in love, as it's the most obvious. But conforming to peer pressure is also a result of the fear of rejection. Japan is one master example. The nail that sticks out must be hammered back into place. MUST BE talk about your fear of rejection.........

But yea. Overcoming your what if I went in half knowing the answer already. At least you know where you stand.


Right...someone remember to NOT buy roses......pruning them to vase them hurt....those bitches have really huge thorns!! day started with me waking up lazily to attend a film workshop I signed up for a while back......I perhaps should have just saved the effort....most of what the workshop was about I've already covered in classes with Bernice......but whatever......well..not really...I could actually have gone to Melaka and PD with Siang's bunch...and I was kinda looking forward to getting sloshed with that bunch......they seem nice.....operative word being seem...but whatever....we make choses and we live the consequences.

But going for the workshop wasn't an absolute total loss...seeing as I was in the Petaling Street areA...I thought I might as well just go and check out my idol drama shop at S&M Arcade.....came out with quite a number of sight of YiDa's drama...but slowlylah.....

Then again, since I was in the area went to buy fresh flowers for the house.....hence the now pin cushioned thumb........ouch is an understatement.....okay....I'm sure pretty soon....Baks will prolly say something about buying the right flowers or something to that effect....hahha.......I wanted to buy tuber roses love, but they were out! These small roses looked pretty so I thought I get them.......should have just bought the eustomas......ouw!!!

And since I went to buy flowers....I popped around the corner and got meself some durian puffs.....cold durian puffs....yummy!! Hehe..... that was my......morning? afternoon?? haha........whatever.....right now I'm 'forced'...or more forcing myself actaully.... to sit nest to me radio listening to Justin DJ alone on it just me....or does the boy have this weird lithe that comes on?? It's almost freaky in that it makes him resemble Amber Chia in movies!! YIKES!! FAI SNAP OUT OF IT!!! how do you break this to a Virgo?

Friday, 3 August 2007

30 Hour Famine....

So anyone up for 30 Hour Famine?

What is it?

Check the site out.....



So any takers?

I'm gonna try to do it this year...I mean why's for a good cause......

See you there!

What's Up With Me...... blogger friends have been complaining that I don't post as often as I should and have......well...only one person but what the's been going on in Amelia-dom?

Been making it a habit to drop by KLCC for lunch with the rat pack bunch every Friday now...and I find KLCC very very boring now...after just spending 2 Fridays there.......I mean...what else is there to do there? The shops are.....the same as those you'd find in 1U..and that's so much more loser....They do have Kino....but still.......Plus the drive there is actaully quiet insane....all the way for lunch? I am going loco.....


And what is this about YiDa having shot a drama in Shanghai??!! What the?? In December 2005 somemore.......and I only read about it now on his blog.....YIDA!!! I WANNA SEE YOU ACT....well to see if you can!!!! here is it.....right.....a trip to my ori serial provider is in order then...........S&M Arcade here I come!!!

Okay....are you as bored as I am? I am....and slightly pissed off! Coz my friend just FFK-ed me a ride into KL.....I'm like HELLO!!! Now only you say...I know you were reluctant...but really!! After saying okay....STICK TO YOUR WORD MAN! Now I asked Justin to come tell me you don't want to go liao! What is this??? If you'd told me earlier...I would have stayed in town!!! Gawd damnit Siang! You yang intro kawan-kawan anda pada aku...s'krang aku nak hang out dengan mereka......argh!!! Infuriating.......if you really didn't want to go....say so....atau not sure if you're really going pun!.....let people know that you might back out! Don't say okay...okay I'll come then finally say not going! I mean WHAT THE F**K?!!

But whatever........we'll see how it goes...maybe I'll just drive my ass back into KL......but driving is so tiring.......and I've driven so much already...and...and.......urgh.......YIN SHAO SIANG!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

I need a Boyfriend

Or a reasonable facsimile.....

I think it's high time I got me ass a boyfriend.......either I concluded while trying to plan out this post in my mind.....a friend with benefits......

Now Sumies is going to go....oh...don't go there.........but I'm like......well.....I don't know...haha...

But you see...all I want/need is just....someone to come home it my home or his...hahah.....someone to cuddle with....sleep with at night......or do the occasional in-out-in-out Alex calls it.....hey I'm only human......generally doing everything lovey-dovey that couples do....

Really though...I'm just tired of F-ing going it alone......I've done it for most of my life, being an only child......and probably will for the other rest of where are those little oasis of solace that you eventually find every five years or so??

Now those of you who are my friend should feel sufficiently indignant and go.......hey? what am I then? Chopped liver?! are not chopped liver...I hate liver......but it's just not the same....and you know it's true!

as tagged by Sums......

1. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?

2. Have you ever cried in an airport?
Er...I think I might have...

3. Last person to make you laugh?
I cannot remember.....most probably Justin and his silly antics...since he's the last person I was Qahar...

4. What was funny?
We were trying this really lame but hilarious improv while trying to work out our next show....

5. Favorite John Mayer song?

6. Scariest movie?
Sound of Music.....THE HILLS ARE ALIVE!!!

7. Last thing to bother you?
My Inner Demons.

8. Last person to text you?

9. Last time you went looking for new clothes?
Monday. Jeans at KLCC.

10. What happened last March?
Internship at KLPac......I can't remember personal stuff....but most sided drama involving psychic vampire....then Baki.....

11. Last person to tell you they miss you?

12. What bothers your mom the most?
That I like going out late.

13. Who will be your next kiss?
With my luck it won't even be romantic......

14. Where do you see yourself in 8 years?
Myself? Everyone will be able to see where I am in 8 famous.

15. Your first thought in the morning?
Wei Ling? Argh........

16. Last dream you had?
I cannot remember....

17. Ever cried yourself to sleep?
Oh....plenty o times......

18. Ever been in love?
Perhaps. I conceed......

19. Last time you had a 4 hour talk with someone?
I really do not think I've had sounds like a Jon thing....

20. Do you have a Friendster?
Course I do.......I do Facebook too.....

21. Do you believe in stupid questions?
Depends on who’s asking.

22. Where are you now?At home?
At Home.....

23. Last time you danced?
Really danced? About a month and a half ago....someone take me clubbing!!!! NOW!

24. The person that taught you how to swim?
Mr.......Chin? Chan? Long time already wei.....who remembers??

25. What’s your ring tone?
Call Me When You're Sober, Evanescence

26. Do you own an iPod?
A Nano....

27. Speak any other languages?
Course I do! I'm Malaysian Chinese!

28. What’s your middle name?
Ru Hui....if you mean the other kind...I have no idea..........anyone?

29. How many schools have you been too?
6......does kindy count?

30. Who from your top friends have you known the longest?
Li Yen

31. Lalala?
Kiki Lala?

32. Do you like the “Brianstorm” song?
Brainstorm Song? Apa tu?

33. Where were you the first time you heard the song “Asereje“?
I can't even recall the song?!!

34. Hardest class?
Statistics in A levels....or was it Advanced Math

35. How old were you when you went on your first date?

36. Who’s your celebrity crush?
Jonathan Rhys Meyers

37. Last thing you bought?
3 pints of Baskin Robbins, Maui Brownie Madness, Rainbow Sherbet and Chocolate Chip

And finally I tag........YOU.

ps: who the hell came up with this???? Chain Blogging? whatever will they think of next?

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration