Friday 4 May 2007


Just came back from That Was The Year.....Sek Thim's new show playing at Pentas 2 all this weeka and next......It's definitely worth a watch...if you only watch one play this year...make it this one......but this isn't a review......I just wanted to say that to help publise the play........the review for it will come next week when I watch it again.........see!! I'm watching it twice! It's definitely worth it!

Anyways....plug over.... I just got back from That Was The Year......and it just went to prove something that I've always known and thought to be true....for me anyways...

站在舞台上的男人是最有魅力的 。

I don't know. There's just something about seeing a person on stage. And having that stage presence...being in his element........that just attracts me......

Tonight it was of my Happy People.....Happy People are to me, people who just by their mere company are able to make me smile...I haven;t seen him in ages and only very recently did I realise that he was in That Was The Year.... But anyways...watching him onstage.....doing his thing.....that....concentration..and It's like when I saw Gary in Screwed... Or when Nick does his's just that belief? in what they're presenting to you......That's also why I love YiDa, Chaw Ge, Daivd Tao...musicians who really love their music........That's why I like Oguri Shun, Fujiwara Tastuya, Narimiya Niroki.....actors, who despite not having seen them onstage....from their movies and TV stuff...I hope to Goddess they're that dedicated...and I think they are...I mean Yukio Ninagawa's gotta at least have that much foresight.....That's also why I'd do almost anything to help my boys, my real boys....coz I see their potential.......I can see what they could be if they'd just set their minds to it.....

Jeez...I make myself sound like some...贵 人 ....someone who's actually influential enough to make a difference........but every little bit counts no? Everyone needs someone to believe in them no? From that one can multiply to two...then three...then four...then perhaps even exponentially......all it takes is just one person to open the right door......

Hhaha...from a post that was suppose to be a lament about my ideal's turned into something else entirely.....but that's the way thoughts go....jumping from one thing to the philosophical......I'm so pretentious........and I'll admit it tho.....I's my middle name.......


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