Tuesday 3 July 2007


I received this message coupled with a friend request sometime over the weekend...

"I understand that you still think I'm the scum of the earth and all - but can we PLEASE just talk about it?

Whatever I did or didn't do or should have done or shouldn't have done, I'm sorry?

* holding out olive branch *."

And this was my reply....

It doesn't matter. I just don't want you in my life. ACCEPT IT!!!!! Not everyone in the world will like you. Not everyone in the world will want to be your friend.

So would you please just stop trying to establish something that WILL NOT HAPPEN.

I don't want to hear anything about/for you. Not an email, not an sms, not a phone call, not even a hi from someone else. I don't want to see you or talk about this. There is nothing to talk about.

I don't hate you. I would just rather you not exist in my life. I don't care what you want because I will live my life the way I choose it. So please,


Hhmm.....I sense repercussions.......since this person reads this blog too.......oh well..........hey! at least I left out your name this time, Sq....oh..oopps......

edit: ooooo!!! cepatnya!

Yes Ma'am.

I hear you and Qahar are trying to stage SHORTS III. While I do not expressly have a problem with you using the brand - irrespective of whether you coined the original franchise name or otherwise - it may be better for you both to opt for another production title.

Strictly speaking I do not have the rights over the brand - but neither do you.

I'm sorry things turned out this way between us.

P.S. Its not about having everyone in the world liking me or be my friend. You KNOW I don't give a toss about that.

3 hit backs:

Anonymous said...

i used to play chess too...

Ame C said...


Anonymous said...

Oh wow...

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