Tuesday 17 July 2007

Stroking one's own ego....

My my....it would seem that my little blog is worthy of blog spamming........intellectual as this person may want to seem.....it's blog spamming all the same......

I did I little research whoever you are......and honey.....be a man...use a real name or at least one net identity....if you really have an opinion, do what everyone else is doing.....set up your own blog......and stop wanking off at other people's expense......you think writing comments to oneself in other people's blog is interesting is it? You've been doing this for at least a year.......do us all a favour and set up your own blog and stop spreading your seeds of dissent on other people's territory....or are you just trying to get everyone else in trouble you spineless tiny dicked asshole lover. Opps....I'm sorry...I broke decorum....but please excuse when I turn vindictive on someone who uses the derogatory word for penis in my comment section and finds it amusing......

Just some other sites you have spammed....
Flying Against Time
Malaysia Today

You know what I think...and I can't believe I'm saying this....but if the ISA were to go after anybody....I'd hand them this dude on a silver platter....

Coz I mean the rest of us are just speaking our mind and doing things rationally....but this guy...I mean from his comments....is just spoiling for a fight....and warmongering....Now which is the bigger threat? People trying to chance the world one word at a time, or someone trying to cause civil unrest and racial upheaval. I like my quiet sedentary life thank you very much and do not look kindly at people who try and mess it up.....Yes, I have been programmed by Big Brother. I'll admit it.

Well well, ISA does come in handy afterall.....

And really.....what is your ass doing at a fluffy site like this???!!! You fluffy too? Oh wait there's goggle.....just out of curiosity.....did you go for the vigil last night? Are you even aware of what's happening? Do you even really care?

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