Tuesday 10 July 2007

The first day of the rest of my life...

July 9th 2007, the first day of the rest of my life.
It marks the beginning of the next chapter in my existence.
The end of academia and hello real life.

July 9th drew to a close one and a half hours ago and I'm still left with dredges of my academia existence. Well....officially academia should end after tomorrow's interview or even graduation....but I'm itchin' to end academia plus I'm a stickler for things starting on Mondays....call it a Good Omens thing....

And how do I feel on this days of all days?

Pretty much the same really. Perhaps slightly different.

The main difference I can discern is a definite shift in priorities. From trudging along in the academia system to ardent pursuit of my private psychic vampire. I refuse to admit it will come to naught. Thanks to Euey introducing me to the bloody concept of 'THE SECRET'. I don't know whether to be thankful or hateful....coz I mean...for all I know I'm just deluding myself....but at least it'll only be for 6 months. Unless he comes with me....then that's another story....

And perhaps I should also start taking my own advice. As my MSN message stated a few days ago, I think it's time to concentrate on me. So what does that entail? Here's a list...
  • Learning Japanese
  • Taking up private Pilate's classes again
  • Training with Wai for that PCD-grade body
  • Going for regular facials
  • Getting gigs....ie TV, modeling, theatre...things where I'm the product
  • Getting jobs...ie FOH, ASM..whatever...generally Jill Jobs
  • Perhaps taking up the Fat-Flush Diet
  • Nabbing myself my psychic vampire...or a reasonable facsimile....he is a benchmark...really...it's been proven.......
  • And perhaps even...seriously.....implimenting the Law of Attraction.....or finally going spiritual....
  • Taking much deserved holidays...alone....or/and hopefully with said psychic vampire or reasonable facsimile.......
Wish me luck. I know I'll need it.

Goodbye uni life....Hello responsibility.

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