A less mature and developed government controls it's people by force. A strong and developed one? Through the mind......An example of a developed one? Just look down south.
Why'd I bring this up? Well.....I had a rude awakening just a moment ago while browsing through my friend's Facebook account........coz right at this very moment, a brother of a mutual friend is currently sitting in a jail cell somewhere in Bukit Aman. For what crime? The oldest and most prominent crime in recent political history. He's being remanded under the OSA (Official Secrets Act). The crime of having sensitive information....apparently.
I say apparently coz from what I can glean.....and I'm still doing major catch-up here.....he may not even posses anything remotely sensitive.....But then again, when has that ever stopped our police? And through them.....the government? But of course......I may not have my facts straight...
You know what? David was right.....why look towards Hollywood for political thrillers? We only need to look in our own backyards. We live in a country with no real free speech. EVERYTHING is censored. Whether through self-censorship or otherwise. Everyone is afraid to speak their own minds OUT LOUD. We all think the same thing but just aren't balls enough to admit it.
Malaysia ranks 141 out of a list of 194 countries in regards to press freedom in 2006. Newspapers should be given the right to write anything, as long as it's substantiated I mean look at the US, countless people write slanderous articles and things about Bush and he's still in power! So why can't BN just let it be? Why do they feel threatened by what a few, okay perhaps a rather sizable but ultimately extremely niche section of society have to say? They'll probably never be able to sway the middle-Americans of Malaysia anyways! Coz I mean, PAS hasn't and they've been trying for years!!!
But I digress......I had a rude awakening. Though perhaps that is an exaggeration. I mean, I've always been aware that there is no such thing as freedom of expression in Malaysia. And how can you not with all these bloggers being detained in recent months. The last bastion of free speech in this country is being threatened and has been threatened for the past 5 years or so. But I suppose it's a case of, I didn't think it'd happen to me or someone I know. In truth, I don't know this person I only know his sister and his friend but you can tell about a person from the company he keeps right? And these are good people, so in extension so is he. And I suspect his only crime was being a little too vocal. But that's not a bad thing by a long shot......
I don't really know what to say really, but I think the situation pretty much speaks for itself, whatever your stance on the situation.
Now....if you really don't know what I'm talking about.....then check these out....
talk about paranoia! - Cheryl's blog (his sister)
jelas.info - Nat Tan's site
Malaysiakini's first article - only if you've got an account tho.....hey they need to make money too!
The Star's first 'article' - Okay...I'm disappointed...is this all??!!!
The Star's article on Nat's 4-day remand - Okay....a lil' better....
The Cicak's entry- youth-oriented website
These are just some sites i'm reading.....google Nathaniel Tan for more info....
But in closing.....just lemme say this.....

and sign the petition.....I did.
10 hit backs:
For a multi-racial country like Malaysia, the best way of ensuring national unity is through the education process. If students grow up together under a systematic national education process, they will one day end up loving the country more and respecting their counterparts better.
In other words, Malaysians have to be reminded that if they grow up under too many education systems within the national education policy, they shall end up being further polarised among ourselves.
No matter what the government does to bring about national unity in the country, it would only remain superficial and be a mere lip service if our children are still made to feel that they are being alienated by religion, race or origin.
Unfortunately, not many entrusted to ensure an impartial education policy to all Malaysians realise this fact. Some are too zealous and nationalistic in feelings that they only feel for their own kind and that only their group of people should be made to progress better in life at the expense of all other Malaysians.
As a result of this divisiveness in our education system, a case in point that has again cropped up is the university entrance debacle. Firstly, students are made to go through two examinations - matriculation and the STPM - in order to seek entrance into local universities.
Secondly, these two university entrance programmes are unequal in terms of the level of difficulty and duration. In other words, there cannot be genuine meritocracy if two benchmarks are used to gauge students performance - no matter what reasons and explanations the authorities come up with, to justify their claims that there is meritocracy in the system.
Hence, this has caused a lot of dissatisfaction among students and parents. Some feel that they are discriminated against just because they do not belong to a certain privileged class of people.
In the long run, therefore, how are these students going to feel about themselves in relation to the others who are more privileged within the nation? There is bound to be perpetual disunity in society.
Thus, the education system we are practising now, in many aspects has failed to make the people feel that they are all Malaysians - aggravating further the process of national unity……...
All students have to go through the same entrance examination and all should have access to any of the institutions found in the country irrespective of religion, race or origin.
Look at America. What happened to the American Indians?
Because they refuse or reluctant to be progressive and continue to stay in huts and forest reserves.
Similar here, the malays are not locals. Parameswara came from Indonesia? India? Can't remember but he was definitely not local. Where malays came from? Indonesia? Arab? What happened to our Orang Asli? They are the original settlers here, they should be the true real bumiputras. Not the babiputras we have here.
So it is history repeating itself again. Best example is America and Australia. All the Orang Asli in these countries are almost non-existent. Take a walk out in the streets, you will find more whites than aborigines.
So these malays here, what they are doing now is, they are claiming land and take it all to themselves. They realize malays are:
Lim Keng Yaik questioned why after 36 years, malay equity ownership was still 18.9%.
In 2004, Morgan Stanley issued a report that estimated there over 100 billion US dollars (360 billion ringgit) had been lost to malay patronage (NEP) in the 20 years preceding 2003 (1984 to 2003).
One economist estimates that in the 36 years of its existence, the NEP has been used to channel over one trillion ringgit to the malay community through ASB, ASN and all related government policies.
Since 1970, the government has used the NEP to covet education, employment and every other conceivable benefit to the malays. These measures have largely been successful with all the top posts in GLCs, government, public listed companies, universities and practically every single area that the government has any control over being reserved for one race
The chief setbacks of the abuses of NEP are ineffectual bureaucracy, perverted social values, rampant corruption and cronyism, retarded economic growth, thwarted economic competitiveness, unrelenting brain drain, warped educational system and worsening racial polarization. Such anachronistic and regressive policy has no place in the present globalize world, and for that matter, in any civilized society.
This greed is not going to end. We as a nation of loyal citizens have to put a dent into this rubbish for the sake of our children.
My friend used to say this: Malaysia and China are equally corrupted. The only difference is - if one gets caught in China, he or she is dead.
But back in Malaysia, you cannot get caught unless you have lost favour with the powers that be. Somehow you can escape and move to rake in more……….and more. I agree. What happens to the so-called 18 sharks mentioned by the Pak Lah?
In the West, corruption means embarrassment, it means downfall. In Malaysia, corruption means prosperity. No wonder our public projects are crack here and crack there.
How can we fight corruption if the top leaders are corrupted?
Politics exist all over the world. It is how we manage it. US, UK, and other developed countries do practice some kind or a form of corruption, however they managed it quite well.
I don't understand, after 22 years in power, Mahathir doesn't seem to get it under control? Or maybe he does but the bunch of swine under him do not know the value of pearls thrown or given to them.
What was he trying to do for 22 years as prime minister? Trying to start a new religion? Trying to introduce a new culture or to change one was not his remit was it? He was supposed to run the country without corruption, and if there was anyone who was corrupted then it was for him to sack the guy, arrest him and to put him in prison.
After 22 years of milk and honey, and now are complaining after some years of misery! What nonsense! Arresting a problem after ignoring it for 22 years is stupid.
I find it all a joke. You left behind good legacies for the people but it is just take one mistake that people will always remember you! The negative elements will always have a lasting impression on people mind.
The reason for Umno's existence and success is all about racial politics: ketuanan melayu.
They have nothing to fight for except to get more and more for their race and religion; they are obsessed with dividing the cake in their favour (ten for me, one for you) instead of making the cake bigger.
They do not fight for the nation but their race and religion. All this has been cultivated and imbued into their culture since 1969.
They do not want to talk about corruption as they know many of their kind are corrupt to the core.
Mahathir knows how to spend only. He complains Singapore not willing to foot them even an extra single cent. Millions of ringgit. To achieve his vision, he only knows how to spend our EPF and Petronas money, and not making productive use of the resources - max return rates.
I say he is just plain lucky. During his time, China is just sleeping. Now, do he think he can compete with China? Mahathir did nothing to ensure Malaysia has other advantages. Today we depend mainly on oil and other industries using other sub-Indonesia continent labours.
First, Mahathir did not think Pak Lah would have been so bad or dare to do what he is doing now, otherwise he would have handed the job to Najib.
Second, Pak Lah must have regretted for not replacing those corrupted and so-called "half past six" ministers in the first place.
If he knew, I am sure he would have replaced all of them. Obviously, he lacks the necessary skill to read peoples mind. You need to be a psychic to be able to read the future accurately.
I think Mahathir is quite good in this……….He will be remembered as a "strong trouble maker" while Pak Lah a "weak prime minister". Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore must be laughing until he coughs blood!
This political bashing is already damaging our international reputation and affecting foreign investment decisions. I believe that if there is a stronger opposition in parliament, the ruling party members will be more careful about what they say and do in public.
The problem is, now they are too "thick" skinned as they perceive they have immunity in parliament due to their overwhelming majority. They must be denied of this in the next election. Enough said.
If all comments are senseless and worth nothing, how come he thinks that his comments are worth something!
Just highlighting the problems can be done by any 7 years old.
To give constructive feedback includes highlighting problems and offering solutions, that is what differentiates you as the opposition man compared to the BN nodding ministers donkeys.
It shows that you and the opposition care to seek improvement for the country, by offering solutions.
God bless our politicians!
Just forget it! With the bunch of ministers monkeys around, our problems won't vanish for generations to come. Plan for an exit emigration plan is more meaningful, at least it gives us hope and motivation.
All Malaysia students should strive to become global citizens or Malaysia will not have a critical mass to compete in the global economy.
If the leaders wake up and give all their citizens the opportunity to help the nation progress, I am sure many will return to serve with distinction.
But there has to be a complete change of mindset. Meanwhile I shall be sending my youngest child to a foreign university just like his three siblings.
If they don't return to Malaysia, that will be Malaysia's loss.
Do you think that the Malaysia undergraduates in public universities will truly appreciate the distorted facts in the new textbook by universities? Never will.
Due to the stipulations by the higher education ministry and the government, most of them will just treat the subject merely as a passing subject in order to gain a degree from their respective universities.
The students in universities are mature enough to judge what is wrong and right. With the advent of ICT, the students can easily determine facts from propaganda infused to the young generations. The latest move by the higher education ministry is just a hype that will gradually evanesce from the memory of the public not long after.
These textbook are simply another government agenda to reign in the youth to be close minded enough so what Umno fears will never become true. What is their worst fear? Being on the opposition side, of course.
The worst part of this is - it will probably be tested. Due to the rote learning system of Malaysia, students will inevitably memorise these false statements, and over time, forget thinking about the facts, and eventually only remember these false ones.
Don't think its possible? Well, ask any recent years SPM graduates. They can tell you everything in the textbook and still not know the actual facts.
Hence, the aim of learning is once again defeated. So much for ethnic relations. Once again, these gobbles succeeded in spreading false propaganda and news. Congrats.
Seems like a plot from George Orwell's 1984. Rewriting and distorting the history for their own benefits.
This is most unforgiven if the textbook is supposedly written by responsible academic scholars representing the academia!
It is so sad to say that nowadays most of the academics in our institutions of higher education no longer subscribed to the elusive and difficult path of searching for truth and knowledge but too busy looking and kowtowing for favours as a despicable and cheap way to success and promotion.
I blame the system of education and the politics of our country for this dastardly behaviour.
It is one result of the unrealistic, short-term approach that many of those in charge of government policy and educational institutions adopt. Where they treat academia as an adjunct to their own ideological goals.
It is really sad how our politicians can sacrifice the integrity of academics for the sake of fulfilling their political agendas.
You know very well the level or bench marking of Malaysia scholars nowadays. You must remember the scholars today in our universities not like those we had in 60s and 70s.
Oh man……….if only you are lucky enough to attend the tutorials and lectures at various Malaysia universities. You will be sorely disappointed not only at the quality of lecturers but also their presentations.
They no longer make lecturers nowadays who are willing to go the extra mile for the sake of knowledge and so proud of their knowledge. This country has really gone to the dogs!
Lee Kuan Yew said recently the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore has not always been smooth sailing, and so investing in the Iskandar Development Region (IDR) may not always be smooth sailing for Singaporean companies.
This is simply a statement of fact that nevertheless appears to have gotten local Umno leaders into a tizzy.
Every local Umno politician hopes to be in a position to be approving investment flows into the country because to stand as gatekeeper is a very lucrative position, and when public squabbles erupt between Umno politicians about who is the better "protector of malay privileges and rights", it usually means someone just wants a bigger cut of the investment action for himself.
Go figure that one.
Of course, the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore is special because of the race relations issue.
Singapore has been the favourite whipping boy of the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press for the last 50 years, and if anything are seen as even bigger devils than the local Chinese and Indian citizens of Malaysia in the eyes of Malaysia's malay Muslims.
The fact is Singapore's development model has meant that Singapore's malays are far better educated, far better equipped, far better paid, far more self-confident, and self-reliant to deal with globalisation than malay Muslims in Malaysia.
This makes Ketuanan Melayu, the malay Agenda, and the NEP look like failed racist apartheid policies that have impoverished everyone except Umno cronies. Of course, Umno must demonise Singapore to maintain the illusion that Umno politicians are nationalists and not parasites, and more so if Singapore happens to be better educated, meritocratic, richer, and safer than Malaysia.
Malay Muslims in Malaysia have been brainwashed by Umno for the last 50 years into thinking that the Chinese and Indians both Malaysians and Singaporeans have gotten rich at their expense, and this perception probably won't change anytime soon because Umno does not have another elections winning formula if it dumps the present demonisation formulas.
Every time Singapore's first world achievements are compared with the sluggish technological, competitiveness, economic, educational, professional, scientific, and social standard in apartheid Malaysia, there is the predictable keris waving, baying for blood, and frothing at the mouth in every Umno up and down the country in Malaysia
Although Chinese and Indian Malaysians have simply accepted the gross racial discrimination in business, education, and job as a fact of life in Malaysia, the non-apartheid non-NEP meritocratic Singaporean mindset may not have the stomach for this particular type of nonsense in the IDR.
I think Lee Kuan Yew is way too smart to think the demonisation process of the Chinese and Indians in the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press is going to stop anytime soon. How else is Umno going to win elections except by continuing to perpetrate the lie that the orang asing minorities in Malaysia are a threat to the malays?
Nevertheless Lee Kuan Yew may be hoping Chinese and Indian Singaporean investors will not be discriminated against in the IDR in comparison with investors from countries like China, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.
In the meantime, I am sure it will simply be business as usual for the rest of us in racial and religious apartheid Malaysia.
Okay.....not that I don't value all these construtive comment and I'm all and all for free speech.....but.......what does this have to do with my post??!!!!
I mean I know my post touches on the Malaysian condition but really......it has nothing to do with Malysia-Singapore ties or racial issues. Call me ignorant, call me self-centred and self absorbed.....and call me...whatever.....
All these comments don't even connect with each other. So no offence...but find yourselves a forum or chat room that better suits these discussions...better yet...start a blog of your own......
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