Thanks to Justin....I've also become a Facebook-aholic.....
Thanks a lot mate!!!
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
It's been a while..
Right...I really really really should get into the habit of blogging everyday...or at least every other day....I mean what else is a blog for right? But to keep others up to date with what's going on in you life or in your head whether they want to know or not.....
So what have I been up to for the past.......oh I don't know how long.......
Let's see....I've been putting in time with Gardner and Wife, doing FOH for them as usual. I should really call Shiraz from Frogway to see if I get the job as FOH Manager with them. Plans to go to Hainan Island have fallen through because my grandparents got into an automobile accident down in JB. Perhaps I really should be rushing to go down and see them, so forgive me for lacking slight filial piety...Although plans for Hainan falling through, plans have been made to go to HK and Hanoi by cruise, though in the aftermath of the accident maybe they will fall through also....if they do.....and I really should ask my mom.....I need to ask Fai to get me something from of those cheongsam like things they have..........hhmm.......
The last two weeks has been like a 'attending friend's gig' convention seeing me going from Janet and Nicole's gig, Justin's open mike session, then Justin and Tom's gig, all at the Attic to finally me rushing to see Paolo Delfino perform at the notthatbalai Art Fest at Lost Generation Space last Sunday. Tonight Paolo's performing again at No Black Tie but I don't think I can make it.
On the theatre front....watched a really wonderful and absolutely totally awesome and awe-inspiring piece of theatre, Alias Grace. For those of you who watched it, you know what I mean. It really is like the pinnacle of what one aspires to be as a performer. Then there's the production I've planned with Qahar. Have nixed the idea of staging a series or short, as it's a bit rushed for most people and some of them already have plans to stage shows of their own in Dec and next year. So we're moving on to the idea of theatre sports and sketches. I just need to get a hold of Qahar and ask him when we can start holding improv workshop.....QAHAR!!!!
In other news, Soo's let on that she getting married. Again. I don't really have much sarcasm really but just........well...even she said so herself. Let's just hope she doesn't pull another runaway bride on us. Was actually contemplating pushing back Taiwan, yet again! to help her plan and attend her wedding. But a talk with Chae belayed that. And a further talk with my career consultant, aka Baki, hopefully tonight, should clear up and confirm the matter altogether.
Oh.....and James has just finished a week long shoot at my apartment for Waiting for Love. So if you go watch the movie....THAT'S MY HOUSE!!! Shooting the movie was a...interesting experience.....and marks my first on-screen kiss I believe.......with Kien Lee........draw your own conclusions.......tho if James really wanted to make me happy, he'd give me Berg...hahah....Sorry Kien Lee....hope I didn't hurt your feeling when I said that!! My brother Kenny might also want to borrow the condo for his short film and hopefully give me a part for the film let's see how that goes......
Gosh...I'm beginning to sound like offence sayang! I love you!!!
On a more personal note....I'm beating myself up for missing the opportunity to talk to Gary Chaw on the phone. Baks was at the 988 A1 party and had him standing right next to him! Aigh.......I will never let myself live that one down.....But as Kenny put it....what would I have said to Gary? I mean.....really....I would have sounded like the rabid fan girl that I am....and how would I then be different from the rest of the rabid fan girl populace? So meet Gary and all the rest of my idols on common ground. As people in the same line of work. One year Gary. One year and we'll be friends! Hhaha...okay if that's not rabid fandom I don't know what is!!! Tho I really must apologise to Baks for making him look like a pseudo stalker to Gary. I will make it up to you sayang!!!
Okay...this post is getting pretty long....and I think I've just about covered everything......oh....cept this...
I'm currently in Starbucks at Ikano.....sponging off their free internet access coz Streamyx is acting up at home....oooo and my seafood's slowly defrosting in me trunk.........anyways......I'm at Starbucks...and it strikes me as.......odd...that around me...I have these old foggies...guys........using laptops with those annoying colourful flashing mouses......weird.......and here lil' ol me is using a rather old grey A4 Tech mouse........huh...go figure.....
So what have I been up to for the past.......oh I don't know how long.......
Let's see....I've been putting in time with Gardner and Wife, doing FOH for them as usual. I should really call Shiraz from Frogway to see if I get the job as FOH Manager with them. Plans to go to Hainan Island have fallen through because my grandparents got into an automobile accident down in JB. Perhaps I really should be rushing to go down and see them, so forgive me for lacking slight filial piety...Although plans for Hainan falling through, plans have been made to go to HK and Hanoi by cruise, though in the aftermath of the accident maybe they will fall through also....if they do.....and I really should ask my mom.....I need to ask Fai to get me something from of those cheongsam like things they have..........hhmm.......
The last two weeks has been like a 'attending friend's gig' convention seeing me going from Janet and Nicole's gig, Justin's open mike session, then Justin and Tom's gig, all at the Attic to finally me rushing to see Paolo Delfino perform at the notthatbalai Art Fest at Lost Generation Space last Sunday. Tonight Paolo's performing again at No Black Tie but I don't think I can make it.
On the theatre front....watched a really wonderful and absolutely totally awesome and awe-inspiring piece of theatre, Alias Grace. For those of you who watched it, you know what I mean. It really is like the pinnacle of what one aspires to be as a performer. Then there's the production I've planned with Qahar. Have nixed the idea of staging a series or short, as it's a bit rushed for most people and some of them already have plans to stage shows of their own in Dec and next year. So we're moving on to the idea of theatre sports and sketches. I just need to get a hold of Qahar and ask him when we can start holding improv workshop.....QAHAR!!!!
In other news, Soo's let on that she getting married. Again. I don't really have much sarcasm really but just........well...even she said so herself. Let's just hope she doesn't pull another runaway bride on us. Was actually contemplating pushing back Taiwan, yet again! to help her plan and attend her wedding. But a talk with Chae belayed that. And a further talk with my career consultant, aka Baki, hopefully tonight, should clear up and confirm the matter altogether.
Oh.....and James has just finished a week long shoot at my apartment for Waiting for Love. So if you go watch the movie....THAT'S MY HOUSE!!! Shooting the movie was a...interesting experience.....and marks my first on-screen kiss I believe.......with Kien Lee........draw your own conclusions.......tho if James really wanted to make me happy, he'd give me Berg...hahah....Sorry Kien Lee....hope I didn't hurt your feeling when I said that!! My brother Kenny might also want to borrow the condo for his short film and hopefully give me a part for the film let's see how that goes......
Gosh...I'm beginning to sound like offence sayang! I love you!!!
On a more personal note....I'm beating myself up for missing the opportunity to talk to Gary Chaw on the phone. Baks was at the 988 A1 party and had him standing right next to him! Aigh.......I will never let myself live that one down.....But as Kenny put it....what would I have said to Gary? I mean.....really....I would have sounded like the rabid fan girl that I am....and how would I then be different from the rest of the rabid fan girl populace? So meet Gary and all the rest of my idols on common ground. As people in the same line of work. One year Gary. One year and we'll be friends! Hhaha...okay if that's not rabid fandom I don't know what is!!! Tho I really must apologise to Baks for making him look like a pseudo stalker to Gary. I will make it up to you sayang!!!
Okay...this post is getting pretty long....and I think I've just about covered everything......oh....cept this...
I'm currently in Starbucks at Ikano.....sponging off their free internet access coz Streamyx is acting up at home....oooo and my seafood's slowly defrosting in me trunk.........anyways......I'm at Starbucks...and it strikes me as.......odd...that around me...I have these old foggies...guys........using laptops with those annoying colourful flashing mouses......weird.......and here lil' ol me is using a rather old grey A4 Tech mouse........huh...go figure.....
Sunday, 22 July 2007
我愛我的國家 Negarakuku - I Love My Country Negarakuku
Again with the mis-interpretation of intentions....aiyo this govt of ours ah.........
Why you so like that?
Issue in point? Malaysia's very own chinese 'web-idol' if you will is being sued for defamation I would presume it's called......for producing this song....
我愛我的國家 Negarakuku
I think the song's a kitsch kind of way...and I mean...come on...the message is so true......
Here's his blog....
My apologises to the Chinese-challenged...I can't help you here....
But I just did a search on him.....or more precisely the song in here is a link....
Embracing Technology
I'll post more if I find them.....
Why you so like that?
Issue in point? Malaysia's very own chinese 'web-idol' if you will is being sued for defamation I would presume it's called......for producing this song....
我愛我的國家 Negarakuku
I think the song's a kitsch kind of way...and I mean...come on...the message is so true......
Here's his blog....
My apologises to the Chinese-challenged...I can't help you here....
But I just did a search on him.....or more precisely the song in here is a link....
Embracing Technology
I'll post more if I find them.....
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
No to Police State in Blogosphere
They're organising a forum in response to recent events...details are as follows:
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Date: 19th July 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 7.30 pm
Admission is Free; Bring Friends
The panel of Distinguished Speakers include:
Nathaniel Tan, Blogger & Aide to PKR Advisor*
Jeff Ooi, Protem Vice-President, All Blogs Malaysia
Harris Ibrahim, Lawyer & Founder of The People's Parliament
Nurul Izzah Anwar, Special Assistant to PKR Advisor
Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP
Tony Pua, Economic Advisor to DAP Secretary-General
Chairperson: Soon Li Tsin, Journalist & Blogger
More info can be gleaned from Tony Pua's blog
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Date: 19th July 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 7.30 pm
Admission is Free; Bring Friends
The panel of Distinguished Speakers include:
Nathaniel Tan, Blogger & Aide to PKR Advisor*
Jeff Ooi, Protem Vice-President, All Blogs Malaysia
Harris Ibrahim, Lawyer & Founder of The People's Parliament
Nurul Izzah Anwar, Special Assistant to PKR Advisor
Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP
Tony Pua, Economic Advisor to DAP Secretary-General
Chairperson: Soon Li Tsin, Journalist & Blogger
More info can be gleaned from Tony Pua's blog
Stroking one's own ego....
My would seem that my little blog is worthy of blog spamming........intellectual as this person may want to's blog spamming all the same......
I did I little research whoever you are......and a man...use a real name or at least one net identity....if you really have an opinion, do what everyone else is doing.....set up your own blog......and stop wanking off at other people's think writing comments to oneself in other people's blog is interesting is it? You've been doing this for at least a us all a favour and set up your own blog and stop spreading your seeds of dissent on other people's territory....or are you just trying to get everyone else in trouble you spineless tiny dicked asshole lover. Opps....I'm sorry...I broke decorum....but please excuse when I turn vindictive on someone who uses the derogatory word for penis in my comment section and finds it amusing......
Just some other sites you have spammed....
Flying Against Time
Malaysia Today
You know what I think...and I can't believe I'm saying this....but if the ISA were to go after anybody....I'd hand them this dude on a silver platter....
Coz I mean the rest of us are just speaking our mind and doing things rationally....but this guy...I mean from his just spoiling for a fight....and warmongering....Now which is the bigger threat? People trying to chance the world one word at a time, or someone trying to cause civil unrest and racial upheaval. I like my quiet sedentary life thank you very much and do not look kindly at people who try and mess it up.....Yes, I have been programmed by Big Brother. I'll admit it.
Well well, ISA does come in handy afterall.....
And really.....what is your ass doing at a fluffy site like this???!!! You fluffy too? Oh wait there's goggle.....just out of curiosity.....did you go for the vigil last night? Are you even aware of what's happening? Do you even really care?
I did I little research whoever you are......and a man...use a real name or at least one net identity....if you really have an opinion, do what everyone else is doing.....set up your own blog......and stop wanking off at other people's think writing comments to oneself in other people's blog is interesting is it? You've been doing this for at least a us all a favour and set up your own blog and stop spreading your seeds of dissent on other people's territory....or are you just trying to get everyone else in trouble you spineless tiny dicked asshole lover. Opps....I'm sorry...I broke decorum....but please excuse when I turn vindictive on someone who uses the derogatory word for penis in my comment section and finds it amusing......
Just some other sites you have spammed....
Flying Against Time
Malaysia Today
You know what I think...and I can't believe I'm saying this....but if the ISA were to go after anybody....I'd hand them this dude on a silver platter....
Coz I mean the rest of us are just speaking our mind and doing things rationally....but this guy...I mean from his just spoiling for a fight....and warmongering....Now which is the bigger threat? People trying to chance the world one word at a time, or someone trying to cause civil unrest and racial upheaval. I like my quiet sedentary life thank you very much and do not look kindly at people who try and mess it up.....Yes, I have been programmed by Big Brother. I'll admit it.
Well well, ISA does come in handy afterall.....
And really.....what is your ass doing at a fluffy site like this???!!! You fluffy too? Oh wait there's goggle.....just out of curiosity.....did you go for the vigil last night? Are you even aware of what's happening? Do you even really care?
Monday, 16 July 2007
Okay, I really gotta start readin' the papers........
Someone once taught me...that you can tell how strong or was it developed.. a country or government is.......I'm so sorry K!!.....I think it was how it.....controls it's people.....
A less mature and developed government controls it's people by force. A strong and developed one? Through the mind......An example of a developed one? Just look down south.
Why'd I bring this up? Well.....I had a rude awakening just a moment ago while browsing through my friend's Facebook account........coz right at this very moment, a brother of a mutual friend is currently sitting in a jail cell somewhere in Bukit Aman. For what crime? The oldest and most prominent crime in recent political history. He's being remanded under the OSA (Official Secrets Act). The crime of having sensitive information....apparently.
I say apparently coz from what I can glean.....and I'm still doing major catch-up here.....he may not even posses anything remotely sensitive.....But then again, when has that ever stopped our police? And through them.....the government? But of course......I may not have my facts straight...
You know what? David was right.....why look towards Hollywood for political thrillers? We only need to look in our own backyards. We live in a country with no real free speech. EVERYTHING is censored. Whether through self-censorship or otherwise. Everyone is afraid to speak their own minds OUT LOUD. We all think the same thing but just aren't balls enough to admit it.
Malaysia ranks 141 out of a list of 194 countries in regards to press freedom in 2006. Newspapers should be given the right to write anything, as long as it's substantiated I mean look at the US, countless people write slanderous articles and things about Bush and he's still in power! So why can't BN just let it be? Why do they feel threatened by what a few, okay perhaps a rather sizable but ultimately extremely niche section of society have to say? They'll probably never be able to sway the middle-Americans of Malaysia anyways! Coz I mean, PAS hasn't and they've been trying for years!!!
But I digress......I had a rude awakening. Though perhaps that is an exaggeration. I mean, I've always been aware that there is no such thing as freedom of expression in Malaysia. And how can you not with all these bloggers being detained in recent months. The last bastion of free speech in this country is being threatened and has been threatened for the past 5 years or so. But I suppose it's a case of, I didn't think it'd happen to me or someone I know. In truth, I don't know this person I only know his sister and his friend but you can tell about a person from the company he keeps right? And these are good people, so in extension so is he. And I suspect his only crime was being a little too vocal. But that's not a bad thing by a long shot......
I don't really know what to say really, but I think the situation pretty much speaks for itself, whatever your stance on the situation.
Now....if you really don't know what I'm talking about.....then check these out....
talk about paranoia! - Cheryl's blog (his sister) - Nat Tan's site
Malaysiakini's first article - only if you've got an account tho.....hey they need to make money too!
The Star's first 'article' - Okay...I'm this all??!!!
The Star's article on Nat's 4-day remand - Okay....a lil' better....
The Cicak's entry- youth-oriented website
These are just some sites i'm Nathaniel Tan for more info....
But in closing.....just lemme say this.....

and sign the petition.....I did.
A less mature and developed government controls it's people by force. A strong and developed one? Through the mind......An example of a developed one? Just look down south.
Why'd I bring this up? Well.....I had a rude awakening just a moment ago while browsing through my friend's Facebook account........coz right at this very moment, a brother of a mutual friend is currently sitting in a jail cell somewhere in Bukit Aman. For what crime? The oldest and most prominent crime in recent political history. He's being remanded under the OSA (Official Secrets Act). The crime of having sensitive information....apparently.
I say apparently coz from what I can glean.....and I'm still doing major catch-up here.....he may not even posses anything remotely sensitive.....But then again, when has that ever stopped our police? And through them.....the government? But of course......I may not have my facts straight...
You know what? David was right.....why look towards Hollywood for political thrillers? We only need to look in our own backyards. We live in a country with no real free speech. EVERYTHING is censored. Whether through self-censorship or otherwise. Everyone is afraid to speak their own minds OUT LOUD. We all think the same thing but just aren't balls enough to admit it.
Malaysia ranks 141 out of a list of 194 countries in regards to press freedom in 2006. Newspapers should be given the right to write anything, as long as it's substantiated I mean look at the US, countless people write slanderous articles and things about Bush and he's still in power! So why can't BN just let it be? Why do they feel threatened by what a few, okay perhaps a rather sizable but ultimately extremely niche section of society have to say? They'll probably never be able to sway the middle-Americans of Malaysia anyways! Coz I mean, PAS hasn't and they've been trying for years!!!
But I digress......I had a rude awakening. Though perhaps that is an exaggeration. I mean, I've always been aware that there is no such thing as freedom of expression in Malaysia. And how can you not with all these bloggers being detained in recent months. The last bastion of free speech in this country is being threatened and has been threatened for the past 5 years or so. But I suppose it's a case of, I didn't think it'd happen to me or someone I know. In truth, I don't know this person I only know his sister and his friend but you can tell about a person from the company he keeps right? And these are good people, so in extension so is he. And I suspect his only crime was being a little too vocal. But that's not a bad thing by a long shot......
I don't really know what to say really, but I think the situation pretty much speaks for itself, whatever your stance on the situation.
Now....if you really don't know what I'm talking about.....then check these out....
talk about paranoia! - Cheryl's blog (his sister) - Nat Tan's site
Malaysiakini's first article - only if you've got an account tho.....hey they need to make money too!
The Star's first 'article' - Okay...I'm this all??!!!
The Star's article on Nat's 4-day remand - Okay....a lil' better....
The Cicak's entry- youth-oriented website
These are just some sites i'm Nathaniel Tan for more info....
But in closing.....just lemme say this.....

and sign the petition.....I did.
Brain Fodder,
Check It,
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
The first day of the rest of my life...
July 9th 2007, the first day of the rest of my life.
It marks the beginning of the next chapter in my existence.
The end of academia and hello real life.
July 9th drew to a close one and a half hours ago and I'm still left with dredges of my academia existence. Well....officially academia should end after tomorrow's interview or even graduation....but I'm itchin' to end academia plus I'm a stickler for things starting on it a Good Omens thing....
And how do I feel on this days of all days?
Pretty much the same really. Perhaps slightly different.
The main difference I can discern is a definite shift in priorities. From trudging along in the academia system to ardent pursuit of my private psychic vampire. I refuse to admit it will come to naught. Thanks to Euey introducing me to the bloody concept of 'THE SECRET'. I don't know whether to be thankful or hateful....coz I mean...for all I know I'm just deluding myself....but at least it'll only be for 6 months. Unless he comes with me....then that's another story....
And perhaps I should also start taking my own advice. As my MSN message stated a few days ago, I think it's time to concentrate on me. So what does that entail? Here's a list...
Goodbye uni life....Hello responsibility.
It marks the beginning of the next chapter in my existence.
The end of academia and hello real life.
July 9th drew to a close one and a half hours ago and I'm still left with dredges of my academia existence. Well....officially academia should end after tomorrow's interview or even graduation....but I'm itchin' to end academia plus I'm a stickler for things starting on it a Good Omens thing....
And how do I feel on this days of all days?
Pretty much the same really. Perhaps slightly different.
The main difference I can discern is a definite shift in priorities. From trudging along in the academia system to ardent pursuit of my private psychic vampire. I refuse to admit it will come to naught. Thanks to Euey introducing me to the bloody concept of 'THE SECRET'. I don't know whether to be thankful or hateful....coz I mean...for all I know I'm just deluding myself....but at least it'll only be for 6 months. Unless he comes with me....then that's another story....
And perhaps I should also start taking my own advice. As my MSN message stated a few days ago, I think it's time to concentrate on me. So what does that entail? Here's a list...
- Learning Japanese
- Taking up private Pilate's classes again
- Training with Wai for that PCD-grade body
- Going for regular facials
- Getting TV, modeling, theatre...things where I'm the product
- Getting FOH, ASM..whatever...generally Jill Jobs
- Perhaps taking up the Fat-Flush Diet
- Nabbing myself my psychic vampire...or a reasonable facsimile....he is a's been proven.......
- And perhaps even...seriously.....implimenting the Law of Attraction.....or finally going spiritual....
- Taking much deserved holidays...alone....or/and hopefully with said psychic vampire or reasonable facsimile.......
Goodbye uni life....Hello responsibility.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
I received this message coupled with a friend request sometime over the weekend...
"I understand that you still think I'm the scum of the earth and all - but can we PLEASE just talk about it?
Whatever I did or didn't do or should have done or shouldn't have done, I'm sorry?
* holding out olive branch *."
And this was my reply....
It doesn't matter. I just don't want you in my life. ACCEPT IT!!!!! Not everyone in the world will like you. Not everyone in the world will want to be your friend.
So would you please just stop trying to establish something that WILL NOT HAPPEN.
I don't want to hear anything about/for you. Not an email, not an sms, not a phone call, not even a hi from someone else. I don't want to see you or talk about this. There is nothing to talk about.
I don't hate you. I would just rather you not exist in my life. I don't care what you want because I will live my life the way I choose it. So please,
Hhmm.....I sense repercussions.......since this person reads this blog too.......oh well..........hey! at least I left out your name this time, Sq....oh..oopps......
edit: ooooo!!! cepatnya!
Yes Ma'am.
I hear you and Qahar are trying to stage SHORTS III. While I do not expressly have a problem with you using the brand - irrespective of whether you coined the original franchise name or otherwise - it may be better for you both to opt for another production title.
Strictly speaking I do not have the rights over the brand - but neither do you.
I'm sorry things turned out this way between us.
P.S. Its not about having everyone in the world liking me or be my friend. You KNOW I don't give a toss about that.
"I understand that you still think I'm the scum of the earth and all - but can we PLEASE just talk about it?
Whatever I did or didn't do or should have done or shouldn't have done, I'm sorry?
* holding out olive branch *."
And this was my reply....
It doesn't matter. I just don't want you in my life. ACCEPT IT!!!!! Not everyone in the world will like you. Not everyone in the world will want to be your friend.
So would you please just stop trying to establish something that WILL NOT HAPPEN.
I don't want to hear anything about/for you. Not an email, not an sms, not a phone call, not even a hi from someone else. I don't want to see you or talk about this. There is nothing to talk about.
I don't hate you. I would just rather you not exist in my life. I don't care what you want because I will live my life the way I choose it. So please,
Hhmm.....I sense repercussions.......since this person reads this blog too.......oh well..........hey! at least I left out your name this time, Sq....oh..oopps......
edit: ooooo!!! cepatnya!
Yes Ma'am.
I hear you and Qahar are trying to stage SHORTS III. While I do not expressly have a problem with you using the brand - irrespective of whether you coined the original franchise name or otherwise - it may be better for you both to opt for another production title.
Strictly speaking I do not have the rights over the brand - but neither do you.
I'm sorry things turned out this way between us.
P.S. Its not about having everyone in the world liking me or be my friend. You KNOW I don't give a toss about that.
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