Monday 21 January 2008

Readings and New Works

Just came back from the reading of Instant Cafe's reading of Hero. It was a......enlightening experience. I've never really been for readings....mainly coz it usually clashes with my schedule for some odd reason so it was nice to finally make it to one. The script itself was quite strong. Tho a bit draggy in parts.....whether because of the actor or the script itself, I don't know. I thought, the mother character lacked a personal journey or character development, and certain elements that were brought up never truly explored. But this is still a work in progress so there's still room for improvement.

Also happening this weekend, was News for You, brought all the way down from Penang.......I have to say I was rather dubious about this opted to join my friends for a mad cap trip up to Genting instead of watching it. I think perhaps my decision the right one....especially when Farah was critical about it. Not to say anything about Squinty but if she's complaining...then well.......yea. I'd probably have killed myself....... And the premise....was supposedly a good one too. I mean Alfred was interested......and I would be too I suppose if I weren't put off by the poster..and the group calling themselves The Ministry of Truth........really?????!!!!!

What is it with young'uns and their delusions of grandeur? Noobs always seem to have this wide eyed invincibility thing going on. I know what this fancy theatre term or this grand concept mean let's make this play or talk about this theme or do this's like this nothing can touch me I know it all and best attitude.....I'll be the first to admit, when I first started out. I shared these...."delusions"...okay thoughts myself........pretentious enough to believe that just because I know what it is I can do it.......but there's always a difference.....between doing it...and doing it well....this pretentiousness can be.....annoying...

Take JH for example....the only reason I didn't go for the audition was because the audition notice was pretentious enough to go, we only want serious actors because of the material involved......REALLY????? I haven't seen it yet...but well......I haven't exactly heard incredibly wonderful things about it.......except for the cinematography which I hear is close to stunning....definite eye candy........but support Malaysian we must! Especially noteworthy ones. I hear that the director at least, has taken a step into the right direction. If all else can match up to his cinematic sight, then perhaps a prolific filmmaker he shall make. We'll just have to wait, and see.

Aside from all this....earlier this month, the 7th to be exact, KLPac had it's newest monthly offering, The Platform. An avenue for theatre noobs to take their stab at theatrical writing and acting. Write your own 15 minute short play, stage it at The Platform and stand a chance to participate in a grand old theatrical experiment next year! The aim is to unearth new talent. A wonderful and commendable venture. Zedeck 'Tembak'ed not so rave comments....But I have to say...I agree with him at some points. I had people coming up to me saying the piece on domestic abuse was so good and so brave. But like Z I could see it a mile coming and had wished she'd tackled the issue in some other way without resorting to the usual histrionics. The second piece goes without saying..... The third piece tho, is exactly what I mean by noob theatrical bravado. That, let's try being surrealist, coz it seems cool. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, heavens no. I think all of us who've done theatre for so long have been there before. Some of us have moved on to being cynics who've given into commercialism, some gallantly still try with marginal success, while others just don't know when to quit. I, am a partial cynic. I look at them and wish I were back where they are. Wide eyed and naive.

Sometimes tho, sometimes, on a big bright clear blue sky-ed day I am.

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