Friday 25 January 2008

New Years Resolution New Years Resolutions.......only 25 days's's still the first month...

I don't actually believe in making resolutions......but I have no idea what else to call them.....

Basically here's a list of things, I'd like to....achieve? aim for? include? in my life in the year and years to come....

1. Photograph more
I'm going to be one of those people who bring cameras every where they go. I feel that my life needs to be documented more......I mean, you're only young and this good looking once....sometimes...... ; ]

2. Write more
Both here on the blog and in real life.....actually getting around to finishing everything I start. Perhaps even dabble in a bit of editorial work. Coz really...even if I can't write a good article...I really think I can vet work really well.

3. Do more
Just get off my ass and do more things. I want to act? Go out on a limb and go for castings and auditions. I wanna dabble in retail? Go out and just do it. Wanna make a movie? Just get the people together and Nike! Coz there's no use just sitting there and waiting for stuff to happen. Make things happen. God helps those who help themselves, and I'm gonna help myself to a whole load of life.

So yea......that's basically it....I might just come back during the course of the week and add more stuff.....but that is basically it......resolutions. My To-Do list of this year...and perhaps even the rest of my life.

Step 1: Always carry a camera and buy that 2nd hand SLR.
Step 2: Dedicate time everyday to writing.
Step 3: Just get out of the house and be more involved in the world.....have you registered to vote?

ps: one of the reasons I'm so inspired is coz Alfred just got a copy of this month's Klue and guess who's got a 5 page spread? Heck if she can do can I!

pps: note to self.....stop reading ppl's blog can be hazardous to health...but really I don't know which is more painful.....said person having a Cartier Trinity Ring......or said person calling rose(red) gold, brass.........*knife thru the heart, knife thru the heart*
(she has the one...wihtout the diamonds...the classic.....I want........)

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Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration