Sunday 26 October 2008

This is our Youth

Alexa Chung.

The current UK 'it' girl. Young, 24, British Chinese, but doesn't look a lick of Asian. Successful TV presenter, fashion icon darling with a sweet rocker boyfriend to boot. Oh, the envy.

She's pissed off Pan!c at the Disco and lived to tell about it. What can't this girl do?

After initially finding out about this new british media darling, I swear, I had another episode of "gawd why was I born Malaysian?!" aka a serious case of envy. But then if life gives you lemons.....and also of course I read this article, published by UK's The Daily Telegraph. And I thoroughly changed my mind.

Though a part of me wonder what exactly was the reporter getting at writing this? Sure it does a wonderful job of covering Alexa and it's focus is undoubtedly more on Alexa as a fashion icon and personality. But does anyone else detect a slight sarky (am I even using the word correctly?) remark on Alexa's, and I suppose by extension or association today's youths', lack of concern for the state of the world today.

Like Alexa, I for one will admit to a lack of newpaper reading. Trust me, if it weren't because I had to read newspaper articles for class, I wouldn't even know we were in a near global recession....or is it just plain global now?....but still, the lack of concern is disconcerting.

I mean, can you imagine an entire generation of followers? Of people who don't know what's going on and just follow the crowd? Well, of course, not reading the papers doesn't mean that you'll be a folower...that's just me shooting my mouth off. But I mean really...even if you don't know how a reccession will affect lil' ol' you, and frankly I don't but I don't want anyone out there writing me a comment and telling me..I'll find out on my own thank you very much....but anyways....even if you don't exactly see how that'll affect you or if it's any concern of yours..should you...oh I don't know...perhaps even venture to find out? I know I will.......I really should finish my copy of Freakonomics.......

I don't know....perhaps I'm just ranting...but shouldn't the youth of today take charge of their own future or something? Not that of course there aren't youths doing that already....I've got tons of young activist friends at home. But I many of us just don't give a damn? A helluva lot I'm wagering.....and isn't that some cause of concern? That coupled with increased drinking and promiscuity it just sounds like the whole world's going to hell....or the Dark Ages......okay, perhaps the Dark Ages are a bit over dramatic.....the......oh lord, I don't even know my ages.....but you know what I mean...I hope. I mean, I'm sure it'll all be fun and all, but it's humanity and the earth of a time limit? I mean, if not enough of us know what do to soon......could we be reduced to a City of Ember?

Right, I'm really speakin out of my arse there......but you know what I mean, right?

Oh and frankly I don't think she'll all that the same style category lookswise.....she's got nothing on
Shannyn Sossamon.

1 hit backs:

Nicholas said...

Awww.... *hugs*

So you may not be a brit, but you're already exotic by Asian standards, tall, stunningly beautiful, curves in the right places...

but most importantly intelligence and sense of humility...

You'll do well.. we're rooting for you. :D

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration