Monday 1 September 2008

Mamma Mia!

So I went top watch Mamma Mia just now....and I have to say......I'm impressed...

I generally don't watch musical made into movies......but after watching the seemed a fun jaunt. So what the heck? And fun it was...

But even so, I have to say, Mamma Mia itself is so theatrical and it would most probabaly lend itself best to the stage. The movie tho I believe does do it justice, but I haven't watched the musical so I wouldn't know.

Frankly tho, the musical never was on any of must watch lists.......the posters for the musical just never seemed appealing. And I'm sure the production design for the musical would probably have gone for the more 'traditional' greek wedding route. I'm glad the movie didn't.

As always with most films that I like, the cinematography was awesome. The breathtaking views of the Greek Islands is really a sight to behold. And the quaint little inn they've set up in the backlot is just superb, I wish it was real!

Acting-wise, I think it's pretty top notch. Singing......Mr Bond, please let the other agents do the job aight? But of course, Mr Bond's fully got his acting chops on! And Meryl Streeps always a joy. And I absolutley love Christine Baranski!! I think if I were ever cast in the musical...I'd get (and want!) her character! She's just so....fiesty! Is that the word I'm looking for? Whatever.... but yea! She's awesome!! Why does she always get second grade roles? The woman is though, seriously typecasted. .......sigh......what to do?

Mamma Mia is definitely worth a watch and if you know the lyrics to Abba warned you just might find yourself singing along to their catchy tunes!

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