Tuesday 30 September 2008

Finally!!!! Money......

Gawd!! 21 days! Can you believe it? 21 f-ing days to clear a international bank draft??

So, I finally have my money. So I finally can begin......to live!

Jeez-us......do you know how it's like not to be able to just like start things off right off the bat and have to wait, and for a bloody long time almost a month!!!, to get the ball rolling??? Knowing full well that you don't have that much time to begin with!!! On a deadline people!!!!


But whatever it is...it's over. It's done. It's here.

ps: so...note to relocators...check if the country you relocate to readily accepts bank drafts......

2 hit backs:

Nicholas said...

yea i can. When i went to Melbourne it took over a month for my cheque to clear. :P

The interesting thing tho is that it's not all banks that are like this. I once got a cheque issued by a UK bank, I was given the money stright away and "if anything happens, we'll take it back from you. But don't worry about it" said the teller.

So i think maybe in part also because people don't trust Malaysian banks all that much :P

Ame C said...

actually..I think it was more of they don't really deal with bank drafts much...coz the teller actually asked me what it was..... O_o

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