Sunday 31 August 2008

New Chapter, New Beginnings

So. It's been about a week since I left good old Tanah Melayu. And today is Hari Merdeka, the day we Malaysian won our independence from the British and declared ourselves Malaysia. It was a time to rejoice. I wish I could say the same about me. I am happy that I am here, away from the mother land, the people that I love. I'm even to a certain extent, use to it. But with all new beginnings, there comes that uncertainty for the future. That feeling of immense lost that comes with moving on. It is a time for........a teething period. A period where things are up in the air and nothing seems quite right. I'm at a place where everything I'm used to is not at my finger tips. I am adrift.

But that's not to say that I want to go back. That would be easy. That is not what I want. I just want the familiar. I want that sense of belonging. That sense that everything is going to be alright.

Perhaps I just need to find my center. My groove in this.....not so strange place. Perhaps I just need to find my place the grand scheme of things. I do not want to go back. I want to stay. I am not.......homesick.

Perhaps it is a bit early to talk of all this. Afterall, I haven't even met my classmates, classes haven't even started. Perhaps it is my inability to jump right into things as I would have liked. Maybe it's the suddenness of departure from home soil. Perhaps I'm just overwhelmed. Perhaps......

1 hit backs:

Nicholas said...

Actually, Aug 31st 1957 was the day we declared ourselves the Federation of Malaya.

Malaysia Day is September 16

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration