Monday 4 August 2008


Right so I was walking home from Aman Suria's getting dark....I'm walking home in my space-cadet-Forest-Gump mode with my laptop bag and sling bag in tow, holding a carton of milk and a box of eggs I bought from Sevenies and once I reach a condo lobby.......a thought just struck me...I can't really remember what lead my mind to it....but this is the only thing that stuck......

The thought was.......I don't look much like a parent....or the ideals of what I think a parent would look like..... Not to say that I'ma lookin to be one any time soon...HELL NO! HEAVEN FORBID I SHOULD HAVE SPAWN(!!!) AT THIS TIME!.....but I just don't see myself fitting any form of the parent stereotype.....well, the good ones anyway......I don't look the part..... as strange and this will sound....I just don't think I'm........wait for it.......tall enough(!!?!!)

Really??!! Really......and I mean, I'm tall as tall gets for an Asian girl......heck perhaps even by some Western standards.... But I just don't see any lil' tykes looking up at me and saying "mommy"......I mean, "jie jie" maybe canlah....just "ma".......not quite. It's like I expect a be like exponentially taller that their offspring or something...and something in the scale makeup of my body just doesn't seem's like the proportions aren't right or's strange and bizarre......

yuck.....enough talking about's weirding me out..... ; P

1 hit backs:

udjinn said...

physically you're plenty tall la. maternally not tall enough kua internally...

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