Saturday 5 July 2008

You gotta wonder...... gotta wonder what we're all doing things for. I mean really. Sometimes, it's not like you'll be appreciated for it. It'd be even scarier if it were something you're betting your life on. But it's not to say that criticism is bad. But could it please be CONSTRUCTIVE. I don't know maybe I'm just scared. And stupid...I mean......你明知一定有人说你去看干吗 ? Sometimes it's like why go demoralise yourself further? Like life isn't a bitch already?

I swear, perhaps humans have a penchant for self punishment....I mean we do all these things that hurt ourselves intentionally.........hang out with the wrong people, read things we shouldn't bother with, why should we care?

Because we do.

1 hit backs:

Nicholas said...

Yea.. coz we're all masochists one way or another...

*Hugs* for whatever is bothering you.. :D

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration