Sunday 28 October 2007

5 am

It' 517am and I'm sitting the lounge area of my latest Singaporean boutique-ish hotel conquest - hangout @ mt.emily - too wired from reading Scott Westerfeld's Specials to sleep properly....thoughts and speech patterns of my latest movie obsession Brick racing through my brain....

I'm suppose to be up at 8-ish so that I can make full use of my stay here at hangout...since it provides me with complimentary breakfasts....but I'm just too wired to sleep....either that...or the Lemsip Max Cold & Flu pills I took for the sickness that threatened to wrack my body Friday evening's keeping me awake because of it's stupid 'non-drowsy' formula......totally bogus-making...

Specials is an awesome series.....really more that your usual YA fiction......very thinking-teen as I like to say and use nowadays....very much like Disturbia and Brick.... This should be the wave of the stuff should be for teens....heavens knows we need less bubbleheads and more....

In the wake of Specials and Brick...Specials particularly...since it's got more solid of love story of sorts......I'm forced to reflect on my certain non-existent love usual.......I mean what else keeps me awake at night? It's never been unfinished work....tho there has been the occasional worry about productions and the state of my non-existent career but that's for a another on to the love life.......Are my standards too high? Hey I can't help it if I need a healthy dose of beauty and brains in my man....sadly tho...that combo doesn't come very often...and when it it has now....there's just something abso-fuking-lutely fleeting about the f-ing encounter.......flippant almost......very short term-ish feel.......very not what I need......tho after a 6 year drought, I'm kinda in a taking whatever I can get kinda mood...... something's better than nothing, right? Tho I'm sure Mark'll beg to differ.......but he's got a he's one to talk......It's not like I enjoy being an emotional masochist...tho the very word masochist means you revel in giving yourself the above statement's an I love a good bittersweet/tragic romance as much as, and perhaps more than, the next girl......but whatever........

Okay...sleep if finally's either that or I was just hungry and the Ritz bits Sandwiches coupled with Pokka Green Tea's really hitting the spot......whatever it is...I'm not off to sleep it is......

So Good Morning Singapore!

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