Tuesday 20 July 2010

It's ALIVE!!

And hopefully kicking!

After joining the ever growing league of micro-blog we call Twitter. I think it's high time I rejoined the good old tradition blog set again. Coz sometimes, 140 characters just ain't enough.

So much has changed since I last blogged some-what consistently......come to think of it, when was that really??? HAHAHA....

I'll need to review my own blog archive to really determine that.....

The landscape of my friendships changed quite dramatically I'd say.....budding friendships back when I still blogged have blossomed into full -on "you sure we've only known each other for a year?", so many friends have gotten married and are getting married.....and life has moved on.

But whatever it is....full speed ahead and no looking back!!

Onwards ho!!

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Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration