Wednesday 17 June 2009

Somebody Else

The other night, during a late night mamak session, a friend ased me this question a friend had asked him, that he had given quite serious thought about and found very interesting.

The question was - If you could be any man and any woman in the world right now, who would you be?

My friend then proceeded to launch into his narrowed down choices of who he'd want to be. My reaction? I was a tinge angry to be honest. I really have no idea why. Aside from why the heck would you ask this sort of question? And why the heck would I want to be anyone else but me??

I do realise of course, that I have been and have entertained such questions in the past. I just don't know why it irked me so much at this juncture. Perhaps there was a part of me which was insecure about being asked this, unconfident with what I was doing with my life or perhaps lack thereof. Or perhaps a part of me was reacting to some undistinguished spark of smugness or something I unknowingly am somehow most likely unjustifiably receiving from my financial analyst friend. I don't know.

But seriously, as I sat there, I just found myself thinking.....who else would I want to be but myself? I mean...not that my life is like super fantastic at the moment or anything but it was just life. All the choices that I have made til this point have lead me here....and I'm absolutely happy with all of them. No regrets. This is who I am.

And really, it's just a question.....I mean people ask it all the time don't they? These hypethetical questions......who would you like to meet living or dead, etc. Right? Don't they?

I really have no idea why at that particular moment in time, and even to a certain extent right now, I find it rude. Goddess only knows why.......It still cheeses me off a bit....and really I don't think I have a reason to.

I mean it's just a hypethetical question.


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