Saturday 16 May 2009

And so it is....

Right. So it's been yonks since my last real update.......

The simple wrap up would be: Back in KL, landed and just finished a Malay drama shoot, filmed short pilot with Boss-man, helping out with G&W, been hanging out a lot with techno entrepreneurs and have finally come to realise that.....I'm no longer suited to hanging out with young'uns.

Or so I think. I think it really depends on the person. Give me someone wise beyond their years, and humble too please, and we'll get on just fine. I just called someone childish....and got a look in return that said..and you would be? Which is true most of the time.......Oh I don't know. I jus suddenly feel wuite rotten for saying it......gawd knows....I am rotten tho. I mean don't get me wrong, I've got a mean rotten streak in me no questions about it. I suppose Chuck's not the only one in need of a "Beware my inner be-yatch" tee shirt.......

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