Monday, 9 February 2009


Right. So this year.....this my year to EXPERIMENT......I've just decided that. And I'll be experimenting with the idea of personas.....different personalities and alter egos.......

Have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day? I suppose the idea's occurred to everyone at one time or other. Heck why do you think I'm an actor? Well, you could call it an extreme form of escapism really. I mean you can, to a certain extent. For some. Perhaps even for me. Who wouldn't give their right arm to appear to have super powers? I would right away. Heck I'd give both arms to use the Force! yes major geekdom.

Right. So this year we experiment. This year. We mess with our own head. This year, we become....someone else. For long periods of real time. This year......I'll most probably piss some people off. Here's to an interesting year at home!!

Goddess bless me.

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